Cloning of applications in Xiaomi: what it is, and why need


Cloning is a function that is more useful than it may seem at first glance. Why do you need duplicate applications, and how to do them - read in the article.

Cloning of applications in Xiaomi: what it is, and why need 3906_1
For what to clone programs in the Xiaomi smartphone

We will understand the example. Take, let's say, the popular VKontakte application. It is comfortable, habitual for many. The minus is that it is impossible to immediately use multiple accounts.

For example, the owner of the phone has two pages on the social network. One - personal, where he writes about his life, communicates with friends, watching the video, reads news in groups. The second is the worker, where the user of the social network communicates with customers.

Conveniently, when both accounts are active, you can immediately receive notifications from both accounts. But, as was stated, the official application "VKontakte" does not give such an opportunity. Similarly, things are with popular: Telegram, Instagram, Viber.

The situation can be corrected if the applications are cloning.

What does it mean to do a double program

If you do what it will be written below, then there will be two identical applications on the phone. In one of the clones, you can enter the first login and password, to another - with the second.

It can be done so that on the phone there were programs of different versions. Suppose Instagram has renewed. It is not known, high-quality it or more "raw". You can make a clone of the program. One application - update. The second is to leave the same to, in case of what, to return to it.

How to clone the app

The double can be done in one of two ways:

  • with the help of standard MIUI capabilities;
  • By downloading the application on Google Play.

Let's start at first, because it is easier.

Use of standard tools

Act an algorithm:

1. Enter the "Settings" - "applications".

2. Depending on the phone model, the next option may be called differently: "Double applications", "application cloning". No matter how it is called, you can guess that this is exactly what is needed. Click on it. A list of programs recommended for cloning and those that support the function will appear.

3. Select the desired program in the list and move the right slider on the contrary.

The application will be cloned.

Using third-party applications

This method is worse. At least because:

  • We'll have to download a third-party program;
  • Intervention in the system will be more serious.

It is recommended to use this method if there are no other options.

Google Play has several cloning programs. For example:

1. App Cloner.

2. Parallel Space, etc.

Download the application and follow the instructions. Recommended before cloning to watch a video about how to do it.

It is easier to work with the first program. Run it, select "Cloned Applications", create a clone. That's all. A huge plus: You can change the clone icon, add symbols to the name - not to get confused.

Working with Parallel Space is as simple. The app when you first start proposes to make clones of social networks.

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