Medvedev: For the isolation of the Russian Internet, everything is ready

Medvedev: For the isolation of the Russian Internet, everything is ready 3894_1

Russia has technical opportunities to ensure the autonomous work of the Russian segment of the Internet, but I would not like to bring to such extremes. This was stated by the deputy head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with the Russian media.

"Technologically, everything is ready for this. At the legislative level, all the decisions are accepted. But once again emphasize: it is not easy, and that would not really want," he said.

Medvedev admitted that the separation of the Russian Internet segment is just a spare plan for an extreme case, if Russia is disconnected from the global network. "Plan, of course, we have how to act in such a situation. The Internet, as you know, appeared at a certain time, and, of course, key rights to management [are] in the United States of America. So potentially, if something happens That is an emergency, if someone has completely demolished his head, this can happen. It is because the keys from this strik are over the ocean, "he told.

The politician recalled the permanent conversations about Russia's turning off from the International Interbank Information Transmission System and the payment of SWIFT payments. "You constantly scare with this. We were even forced to create their own information transmission system, if suddenly it happens, so that you can exchange emails. The same potentially may occur with the Internet, and then we will not have access to the main nodes of this Networks ", - clarified the deputy head of the Security Council.

Not to leave without control

Medvedev explained that the law on the Russian segment of the Internet was adopted so that the Russian segment could be managed autonomously, "since the Internet is now tied to the management of the entire state, it is tied to obtain a huge number of social functions." "We could not leave it without control. Therefore, there is such a law, and if it is necessary, it will come into force," he assured.

Nevertheless, the deputy head of the Security Council called on to be realists and understand that if the ruins alone, it will create great problems. "In order to reject it, it will take a certain time. But in principle, the autonomicity of the Russian network segment can be restored or created," Medvedev said.

Politician stressed that he does not see signs of extreme development of the situation. "For obvious reasons, this is a double-edged weapon. First, it can entail certain actions and on our part. Secondly, our friends are both true friends, and friends in quotes - they still actively use the Internet, including numbers in order to convey their own position. It means just to refuse that this position is to convey. We have all the social networks, we just said this, we did not block anyone and did not slow down, "he explained .

Medvedev mentioned China's experience, where world social networks are replaced by Chinese, who also have a huge number of users. "And they are absolutely easy to worry, they communicate in their social networks. When you fly to the PRC, you look at your own social networks - work. Why? Why? And because the card in the phone costs Russian, but as soon as you, let's say, include hotel, Wi-Fi - do not work. Because it's all blocked, it's Firewall, "he concluded.

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