Family education: What you need to know if you are not going to give a child to school

Family education: What you need to know if you are not going to give a child to school 3881_1

We understand in the intricacies of family education

In 2020, many parents, who had not previously been particularly interested in children's children, learned how difficult it is to organize the educational process of the house. And this is designed for the program, the school and testing of homework still answered the school.

It's all difficult, but it is quite possible. After all, even by law, children can learn not only at school. There are other formats for obtaining education. For example, a family form of training. According to March 2020, more than 12,000 Russian schoolchildren learn in this form. And annually their number increases in about 2000.

We tell about what family education is, and how to teach a child at home from the first class.

Family education is ...

There is no complete and understandable definition of family education in law. In the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" it is said that this is a form of education outside the school. Parents themselves choose the form of training, but at the same time they must take into account the opinion of the child.

First place documents

You need to contact local governments. There is a record of all children who are laid in school. So just not to give the child to school will not work.

You need to go to the Department or Management of Education (everywhere these organs are called differently). If you are lucky, you will find all the necessary information on the site site. What is luck for? Not in all cities, the order of the transition to family education is clearly defined in the decrees.

But usually a notice of family education is directed to the local government. It indicates the name of the parent, child, his date of birth and the address of living. And they write that they chose the form of family education. It is better to clarify in advance what documents should be attached to the notification in your city. For example, copies of the parent's passport and the child's birth certificate.

Go to school still have to go

To completely forget about school will not work, it will be necessary to undergo intermediate and final certification. Intermediate is internal control and exams that pass one or several times a year. And the final is the same OGE and EGE.

Intermediate certification is not required, but usually parents do not refuse it.

Write an application to school

Select a school to pass the exams and submit to it. Do this at the beginning of the school year or write a new statement before each certification. The deadline to which you need to apply, you must communicate in the Department of Education. In there you will be given a list of schools in which the form of family learning is supported.

After submitting an application, the school issues an act of admission to a schoolboy to pass attestation. But in many schools, the act is not limited and proposed to conclude a contract. This is the most convenient option, because the contract will indicate the forms of certification (tests, control, etc.) and their term. It is allowed to take appreciation externally to graduate from school before.

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Choose a school that likes

You can choose any school, even in another city, if it is allowed to take exams remotely. It is convenient to use special services for this. Such a service is in the CPSO (, online schools "Internet mask" and "Foxford".

Through these services, you can attach to the schools of Moscow and St. Petersburg and undergo intermediate certification from anywhere in the world. Only on OGE and the exam will have to go to school itself. It is not free, but comfortable, especially if you travel a lot or do not trust secondary schools in your city.

In the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08, it is said that the university is also suitable for the passage. But only such in which they are trained in basic general education programs.

Well prepare for certification

If you can not pass the intermediate certification, academic debt is formed at the student. During the year, the debt must be eliminated from its appearance, that is, to recall the control and exams. If this is not done on time, then the child will have to study at school.

Make a curriculum

Do not rush from scratch to invent the perfect curriculum for a child. After all, the tasks in the control are based on the topics that children studied in the lessons. Here you will again come in handy agreement with the school: questions should be attached to the preparation and even examples of tasks.

And if you did not plan to turn into a teacher, it is better to engage in the child in online schools. Here is a list of 15 excellent schools. In several of them, you can even get a state certificate!

In addition, all the time learn at home or online is also optional: learn whether there are educational organizations in your city that take on studies. It can be family classes, small private schools without licenses, communities of parents who are on family training. Forms of education within the framework of the most different!

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Pick up textbooks

Textbooks are desirable to choose the same on which you are taught at school, where you will be attestation. So it is more convenient to prepare for it: the topics in the textbooks correlate with the program, and also there are examples of tasks.

But, of course, you can choose textbooks and yourself. Focusing on feedback, for example. Or choose textbooks recommended by federal state educational standards (GEF).

In the online school, all materials and abstracts will be provided to you. If you decide to teach the child yourself, you will have to spend money on textbooks. But, in accordance with all the same letter of the Ministry of Education and Science, you can receive textbooks at school, where the child passes certification, or in specialized library funds.

Go to the circles and participate in the Olympics

Even on family training, do not forget about additional education. Of course, when a child learns at home, his schedule is becoming more flexible, so he can also do in online circles, and ride some sections. Walking in the circles that are organized in the school where it passes attestation, too, you can.

A child can also participate in contests, competitions (including All-Russian), sports and other competitions for schoolchildren.

5 physical and mathematical circles for schoolchildren

Try to get compensation for expenses

The subjects of Russia have the right to pay benefits to families who have chosen family education. But it is right, not a duty, therefore such benefits are not everywhere. In some regions they were, but later they were canceled. Now the benefits are paid in the Perm region, Tula, Tambov and Sverdlovsk regions.

To obtain compensation, contact the school in which the child gives certification. In case of refusal, go to the Department of Education.

If nothing happens, go to school

You can go to full-time learning at any time. To do this, write an application addressed to the School Director and attach a copy of your passport to it, the child's birth certificate and certification certifications.

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Family education: What you need to know if you are not going to give a child to school 3881_2

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