The Criminal Code will pay compensation of 70 thousand rubles in Prenyachka, damaged leg


Penza, March 15 - PenzaNews. The management company SUR RIVIER should pay compensation for moral damage in the amount of 70 thousand rubles and compensate for the lost earnings in a resident of Penza, which in the winter of 2019 slipped at the house number 5d on Antonov Street, fell and damaged his leg. About this IA Penzanews reported the press secretary of the Penza Regional Court Natalya Yashin.

The Criminal Code will pay compensation of 70 thousand rubles in Prenyachka, damaged leg 3880_1

The management company SUR RIVIER should pay compensation for moral damage in the amount of 70 thousand rubles and compensate for the lost earnings in a resident of Penza, which in the winter of 2019 slipped at the house number 5d on Antonov Street, fell and damaged his leg. About this IA Penzanews reported the press secretary of the Penza Regional Court Natalya Yashin.

"In his claim, the woman indicated that on December 29, 2019, she came to the Surie Riviera residential complex on Antonov Street in Penza for a children's holiday, intended to hand gifts to children. She left a car in the parking lot and headed to the place of holiday on the sidewalk, at which there was ice, fell on his back, hit the right elbow, then got up and went further, "the agency's interlocutor said.

She added that after the gift of gifts, the woman returned to the car, at home number 5d slipped and again fell on his back, as a result of her left leg turned down to the body, was in an unnatural position, from under the skin tested the bone.

"She had two fractures and other damage to the legs were discovered, which, according to the conclusion of experts, is regarded as harmful to the health of moderate gravity," Natalia Yashina clarified.

The press secretary noted that the plaintiff was experiencing severe pain, long time was gypsum, then went to crutches, and then with the key.

"She continues to lick, can not fully engage with a small child. In addition, the woman lost part of earnings, "explained Natalia Yashin.

According to her, the plaintiff and the representative of the defendant did not agree with the decision of the Leninsky district court of Penza, determined the amount of compensation and compensation, and filed appeals that were left without satisfaction.

"The Judicial Board of Civil Affairs of the Penza Regional Court considered the amount appointed by the court, the amount of compensation for the reasonable, court decision - legitimate," she said.

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