Top 5 blockchain projects that will protect your data


Protection of personal data - the main trend of 2021 in the digital economy sector. We understand which projects are able to keep information about the client in full security

Why protect data in digital space

According to the Global Digital 2021 report, there is an average person on the Internet 7 hours a day. Over the past year, this figure grew by 4% and the trend is gaining strength. Together with us in online move products and services that we consume.

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Online time data. Source:

The digitalization of the global economy is the trend is not new. The process began ten years ago, the trend began ten years ago, but the past coronavirus year spurred the ubiquitous transition to the figure. We already have a digital workbook, a digital medical card, a digital profile in public services and even a digital signature for documents. The next step is a digital file and a digital personality.

New services give comfort: you can pay taxes without getting up from the sofa, order products to the house, take a loan and even apply to the registry office.

But for this convenience you have to pay. Our personal data, including such confidential information, as bank account numbers, information about the financial situation and state of health, fall into the network. They are stored on centralized servers that are easy to hack, and the data is to steal.

According to ASCENT research, in 2019, more than 165 million records with personal data were compromised as a result of data leakage. The editorial office of Beincrypto also reported that the seller of threaded bank cards under the nickname Jokerstash became a cryptometride, selling databases with personal information of holders of debit and credit cards.

Decentralized technologies will help secure secure technology. McKinsey Digital concluded that blockchain technology will become a sectoral standard for identification and digital decisions in general.

Experts of Xangle analytical company came to the same conclusion. Decentralization will be used to protect new technologies to protect user data.

Decentralized identification will simplify the use of tools to combat money laundering (AML) and the passage of the procedure "Know your client" (KYC), at the same time reducing the vulnerability to data leaks. Beincrypto, together with Xangle, amounted to a rating of the best projects for decentralized identification, which should be paid attention to 2021. is a decentralized identification project that uses blockchain technology to verify personal data. Each personal information check ("Certification") is registered on the network as a transaction and recorded in the block. Users can use their identity card if it is not withdrawn or its validity will not expire. It simplifies the passage of the KYC procedure for active users cryptocurrency and banking products.


Selfkey is a whole ecosystem that allows users not only to reliably store their data in the blockchain system, but also discover access to other products of the company. The main function SELFKEY includes decentralized storage and management of identification data. Selfkey MarketPlace provides users with access to various products and services, including international bank accounts, a loan for opening a business, as well as notarial services. At the same time, the company has released its KEY token (2967 place in the coinmarketcap rating), which is used as a means of means within the system.


Magic, previously known as Fortmatic, is a personal authentication service for Ethereum-based applications. Functions include multifactor authentication and custom user interface. The Magic description states that the authentication level can be integrated into existing applications in minutes.

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BlockPass is a decentralized identification solution, which is designed to simplify the processes of registration of companies, passing the KYC procedure and the fight against money laundering (AML). This application is designed specifically for those users who work in the field of decentralized finance (DEFI) and cryptocurrency. Cryptography helps to guarantee the authenticity of all user information, and special digital certificates issued via BlockPass can be used on other compatible platforms.


Hydro (not to be confused with Darknet Marketplayer Hydra) also known as Project Hydro, is a solution for managing identification security created using blockchain technology. The first step in the Hydro service chain is the protection of personal identifiers: SSN, addresses, other personal information - using blockchain and enclosed keys. Each subsequent use of this information is protected by two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to reduce the risk of compromising data.

Hydro can simplify payments, allow users to authenticate documents or enter into contracts, as well as use personal data for other purposes.

Digital identification has received special significance during the COVID-19 epidemic. Such solutions allow not only reliably to store personal data, bank card data and cryptocurrency wallets, but also protect other user data, such as vaccination passport, medical information and much more.

The use of decentralized identification solutions allows you to reliably save information from theft and improve the convenience of using services for customer themselves.

The POST top 5 blockchain projects that will protect your AppEared First On Beincrypto data.

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