Meetings in the toilet, fecal wars and personal assistant ass: 11 facts from the history of the toilet


When The Times newspaper summed up the last millennium, it turned on the toilet to the top ten of the main inventions of humanity. And we read the book "The Dark Past Night Pot" (Publishing House "Scooter", translation of Irina Shestopalova) - about the history of human needs at different times. And share the facts that you will surely surprise.

In ancient times, people arranged meeting at the toilet. The trip to the toilet was not considered something indecent - on the contrary, it was an excellent opportunity for socialization. There were even public toilets, which were a marble shop with several holes. This public toilet could use up to 50 people.

One of the first toilet bowls appeared in ancient Greece. They used the "son of Zeus" - the legendary Minos, King Crete. Wash there, however, was the same ancient as the time of Minosa. In the Knos Palace, where the king lived, there was a wooden toilet, all the contents of which washed into a cesspool with rainwater, which was collected specifically for this. Of course, it was a unique copy for Crete: it was not there on the rest of the island of sewage.

The English word "shit" came from the Victorian era. The first toilet with a real washstand appeared in the Queen Victoria Palace. The design, which assumed the porcelain toilet and the tank with water under the ceiling, designed and patented Thomas Crapper. Then it suffered: since then the British is called toilets with croppers, and the word "Crap" in Slang means a bunch of things: from the feces themselves to the verb denoting a defecation.

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Illustration of Marianna Styles from the book "Dark past Night pot"

Medieval people did not devote the night pots until they were filled out entirely. All this time, the pots stood under the beds, the emitting appropriate fragrance. But when the pots were already complete, their contents poured directly into the window. And if the feces suddenly peeled some kind of passerby, he could even turn to a lawyer who specialized in cases of compensation for such a "pot" damage.

Fekalyia in the Middle Ages were used as a weapon. The soldiers who defend the fortresses poured the accumulated waste on the heads of storming enemies so that they could not get into the city.

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Illustration of Marianna Styles from the book "Dark past Night pot"

Before the invention of toilet paper, people were filled with stones. Toilet paper got a mass distribution in China in the XIV century. Prior to that, people enjoyed everything that will fall: hands, stones, reusable handkerchiefs, sheep skins, sponges and plants. The main hero of the novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel" confessed that he tried with a dozen of a wide variety of ways to start and as a result of experiments, the most "royal, noble, best and most convenient of all." The title of the best subtyirca, according to Gargantua, got ... Live geusat. "Only when you encourage him between the legs, then keep it for your head."

There was such an honorary post - a specialist in the warding of royal ask. She existed at the courtyard of the English king Henry VIII (he rules in the XVI century). According to historians, it was not in laziness and not even in the status of the king. Just Heinrich VIII weighed more than 300 kilograms, so it was difficult to put it on themselves and wondered.

At the court of King Louis XIV, they made the need anywhere - literally on the go. On the balas could be moved to the distant corner of the room and pee right there, not particularly embarrassed out of outsiders. Ladies in dresses with skirts and often just stopped, coped with the need and went further on their affairs.

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Illustration of Marianna Styles from the book "Dark past Night pot"

Publishers understood how to use newspapers. At some point, the toilet paper cost so expensive that instead people used newspapers, catalogs and telephone directories. At the same time, their publishers perfectly understood how their goods apply, so the newspapers were printed with a hole for which the paper edition could be hung in the toilet.

During the war, Hitler could be listed. In general, the toilet paper almost immediately began to apply not only directly intended, but also for creative experiments. For example, during World War II, artists produced rolls with a portrait of Adolf Hitler.

The first cosmonauts helped the need for plastic bags, which then sent to open space. But do not worry: the contents of the packages did not reach the ground. "Space cockies" simply burned in the atmosphere.

Meetings in the toilet, fecal wars and personal assistant ass: 11 facts from the history of the toilet 3809_4
Illustration of Marianna Styles from the book "Dark past Night pot"

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