"A neighbor has already begun to die from hunger."


The strongest snowfall that collapsed to the Kaluga region caused a lot of trouble both public utilities and other residents of the region. Even Kaluga ringed in the snowdrifts. Residents of the regional center complained of garbage, traffic jams, lack of public transport. But, as it turned out, there are people who suffered from bad weather much stronger. All of them are residents of the villages.

The villagers are massively complaining about unclean roads in their settlements. One of these complaints struck us.

"The Meshovsky district of D. Pryvalovo, the village has been littered with snow for 6th day! The products are already completed, feed for livestock has been over yesterday. Neither the administration of the Meshovsky district, nor the Ministry of Emergency Situations, nor the ministry respond to appeal! The village through the river 2 km ... yesterday froze the pump in the well, now we are still without water, the neighbor has already begun to die from the hunger. Help !!! " - Such a message appeared under one of the posts on the wall of VKontakte Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladislav Shapshi. He was sent there a not indifferent citizen from the closed community. And not in vain. After publicity, the village rushed to clear.

Representatives of the administration of the Meshovsky district pretty soon provided a photo report with a cleared road, and later reported that it was completed by 11 o'clock on February 18 to clearing the village near the village.

Snowfall began in the evening on Thursday on February 11. By February 14, the weather became clear and frosty. The road in the village of Vivalalovo Meshovsky district was calculated only by February 18 after appeal to the governor in social networks. It turns out, rustic residents sat in a snow captivity as a minimum week. In what condition were the roads to the settlement before this is unknown.

As the head of the village settlement of the Meshovsky district, the head of the village settlement, told the Kaluga News of the Meshovsky District, near the village of Privalovo, Olga Sushko, now in this village residential 4 houses. Mostly there are people of retirement age. Summer comes dackets.

In total, the rural settlement "Village Youth" is 23 settlements, between which the distance is over 30 km. All this is cleaned by one tractor. The precipitation, according to Olga Sushko, fell so much that only two settlements had time to clear the day. First of all, they tried to clear the large population and buses walk, including school.

Olga Viktorovna noted that they are cleaning only the villages, the roads between them should clear on the initiative of the district administration.

"As soon as the roads cleaned, we immediately cleared the villages," Sushko said.

By the way, local agricultural enterprises shared with the villages with villages.

The question of clearing roads near the village of Privalovo decided. But, according to the head of the rural settlement, there are still villages in the area, which still remain in the snow captivity.

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