About webinars on ib

About webinars on ib 3765_1

Compiled by sofa experts based on the latest webinars on IB.

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New forms of information reporting to Internet users appear, this material is an attempt to understand online webinars on IB.

Briefly about the author

Training - I tried, conduct online webinars and participate in them as a speaker - no.

Recently, I solely listened to a dozen different online events, among them:

-Bis Summit 2020 demo version of the new reality (selectively);

-online conference of the company Group-IB CyberCRimeCon 2020 (selectively);

-Turbar of the company "Infosystem Jet" "Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 716-p. The role of IT and IB in operating risk management ";

-online conference of Gazinformservis GIS Days 2020 (selectively);

-online conference am Live cloud infrastructure protection;

-Inline show on IB am Live Who knows Talk in IB;

-online conference am Live, dedicated to the choice of incident detection services in the field of IB and respond to them (MDR);

-Chellable webinar IB results of the 3 years of ensuring the security of KII in 187-ФЗ;


What to say? Well done organizers - use the moment and are looking for new forms to involve the audience.

From the heard and seen, I would noted such features of some activities:

-thelessness without slides and presentations;

- without the participation of vendors;

-compactness and focusing of events;

-thability to speak only about the pressing and, as a result, the increased utility of discussions;

-Ability to view the event record at any convenient listener time and in good quality.

About nuances on online events

Much on such events depends on leading or moderators, from the confidence of the audience for invited speakers ... Therefore, leading a) should be in the subject, b) pre-prepare a discussion scenario, c) consider issues that are interested in the target audience of the online event on the stated topic.

Even if all participants, including the lead, are old friends, do not overdo it. There is nothing good if the invited speakers "work the back of each other". This is expressed, for example, in such a view of the participants leading: "And now the incredible ...". As part of the show, it is appropriate, on the technical webinar - no.

If you do not know where to start - start with the prehistory of the question made in the topic of discussion.

The lead or moderator should try to ask the right questions during the discussion. The right questions are the underlying police that make invited experts slow down (especially this applies to service providers, vendors and integrators).

The right questions are questions raising a degree of discussion.

The right questions are questions from the area of ​​unresolved or poorly solved in the type of industry: who will fit the watchmen? Is it planned to certify the western decision in FSTEK?, What guarantees and responsibility do you take on?, How does your decision protect data on paper?, How to make kiberataks unprofitable for attacking? etc.

About hidden meanings

The meticulous listener of online events has already been formed the skill of reading the hidden meanings of the discussions pronounced by the participants.

If the leading at the beginning of the meeting states something like: "As many questions came, we may not have enough time to answer everything ...", this means that there were no questions before the event and they will have to invent them in the course of conversation.

If the master declares: "First, we will define the terms ...", then everyone surrounding, as a rule, read it as: "Now I will state everything that I managed to arrive today at night in front of the webinar."

If the invited speaker says: "Many consider ...", then under this, most likely, meant: "I know two more woundings who adhere to opinions ...". Etc. Avoid verbal stamps working on the "password - review" principle.

Do not slap on the shoulder of classics

I think that now the organizers have a unique opportunity to invite very well-known and demanded speakers. But there is in this and "pitfalls".

If you invite the same experts with loud names, then you will refer to your "brainchild on IB as an event with the participation of Lukatsky and others.

On the other hand, I would like to see new persons representing the industry. An obvious bonus for a novice from participation in webinars may be an increase in fame in the professional world, acquiring new contacts. But for newcomer experts, it is advisable to spend at least some preliminary casting. And then, God forbid, will begin to cling to detail, highlight the topics unwanted for public discussion (for example, problems with import substitution and so on).

The organizers of online events should also be careful to invite representatives of young companies. They only conquer themselves "place under the sun" and are always happy to take advantage of the case to show themselves, pouring others.

On the invitation of vendors, integrators, manufacturers of IB solutions

The audience representing customers has accustomed to consider the main goal of the majority of EB activities - search by vendors-participants of customers to their products, and sometimes cultivating customers right along the discussion. But modern online events break this sustainable representation. First of all, due to the fact that the possibility of organizing webinars without the participation of the main sponsors of these events - vendors and integrators appeared. It's good or bad - until the answer is obvious.

The webinar without a vendor speech or without a regulator report is like a jury's court without jury assessors - no one to hope, no one will indicate the light at the end of the tunnel. Such events are still sluggish, they lack infectious optimism and faith in the future, which in abundance of vendors and integrators.

So the conclusion from the listened and seen such: with participation in the discussion of vendors, integrators, manufacturers - there are sensations of focus, drive, competition. Without vendors, integrators and manufacturers - walking in a circle, hopeless, despondency.

So far, just information about sensations.

About the invitation of customers

Organizers of online events for a "wide range" should not be invited to customers from large companies. These all have already tried with different third-party decisions and now trust only their own developers teams scored from solutions that have not arranged. If Bester does not suit something in the decision, he just buys the developer and makes the necessary features. His view of the problems of the industry is different from the look of the wide audience.

Organizers of online events should also avoid inviting customers from small companies. First, they themselves do not know what they want. Secondly, they are unlikely to be at all in a state that worth buying and have time to stack before.

The organizers of online events should be particularly careful to customers not from state structures. They are now particularly hard and necessary to somehow maintain morally. If such a customer himself does not know what he wants, name it is a multivariate customer's strategy - and he does not disappoint him plus in karma.

Almost any webinar on IB follows conclusions:

-The far to west;

-The string and the same topics on IB becomes harder;

- Lovely discussion of experts is a process, and not a solution to some particular problem.

My wishes


Trust your knowledge and experience, analyze the facts more and give you up with emotions and your own guessings based on information from vendors and integrators in webinars.

Vendors, integrators, manufacturers of IB solutions

Participate in webinars on IB! Seit trends and get customers!


Keep it up!

Source - Blog Valeria Yetekhina "IB. View from below. Guide to the world of corporate alarm of the security officer for IB (16+) ".

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