What kind of plants are Baratan?

What kind of plants are Baratan? 3754_1
Baranets Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

This plant is also known as the "Barana Plant". Some sources indicate the name "poisonous Baranets ordinary", focusing on the presence of toxic components in the tissues that make a raw with a poisonous plant.

Botanical description

Like most of his relatives, this spore is an evergreen herbaceous plant. His reprehension twisted branching stems have a height from 5 to 25 cm. They are thickly covered with a private leaflets, only the lower part of the stem remains barely. All plant leaves have the same appearance and reach the length of 7 mm.

It is noteworthy that, unlike other plauines, the sporing spikes of the Baranis ordinary does not forms, and its disputes are located in the spokes in the sinuses of the leaves and are noticeable only with increasing.

Botanical illustration of the book K. A. M. Lindman Bilder Ur Nordens Flora, 1917-1926 Photo: ru.wikipedia.org.

Baranets ordinary is widespread in mossy coniferous forests; Some less often meets on the Carpathians and in the Caucasus, more often in the forest area. Protected by law, entered into the red books of most regions of the Russian Federation.

Features of action and application

Baranets, despite its toxicity, has long established itself as a medicinal plant.

Medical importance as medicinal raw materials has a grass (above-ground part) of the ram. It is convenient that the vegetable raw materials can be harvested throughout the summer. Dried in order to store further storage Green has a kind of green stems with needle leaves. The stems have a length of up to 20 cm, however, shorter are more often found.

What kind of plants are Baratan? 3754_2
Kurtin. Ferrrund, Germany Photo: ru.wikipedia.org The above-ground portion of this plant contains up to 1.1% of alkaloids than and the poisonousness of grass for animals and man is explained. In total, 7 alkaloids are determined in the plant, of which the greatest concentration has seleagin.

In medical practice, 5% water decoction of the ramnet was used to treat alcohol addiction. It is indicated that the result is achieved in combination with psychotherapy, detoxification and other activities - subject to complex therapy.

Treatment of decoction of this plant is possible only in a specialized institution. Throughout the treatment course, specialists are required; Additional detoxification and symptomatic therapy may be needed.

Reception of the drug causes a pronounced vegetative reaction: reduced blood pressure, changes in heart rate pulse, sweating, salivation, nausea, general deterioration of well-being. Such an effect is used to generate a negative conditional reflector reaction to alcohol intake.

What kind of plants are Baratan? 3754_3
Baranets ordinary photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Treatment of dependence by reception of the ragland of the ramnet has many absolute and relative contraindications and as far as developing in the pharmacological industry is gradually retreating into the past. And references to the use of this plant remain in sources of traditional medicine and in the memory of traversery healers.

From the editorial Do not use to treat the funds of traditional medicine without prior consultation with the attending physician and if there are any allergic reactions in the history!

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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