Schoolgirls have developed a device for restoring the work of the lungs after COVID-19

Schoolgirls have developed a device for restoring the work of the lungs after COVID-19 3749_1

Two schoolgirls from Kemerov developed a breathing simulator who helps patients with coronavirus. It reduces shortness of breath, reduces the dependence on the medical inhaler and restores the correct operation of the lungs. At the same time, the prototype is much cheaper than the analogues. The efficiency of the device has already been confirmed by doctors, but it is far from mass production.

In the center of rehabilitation, it is taught to breathe newly 75% lesions with lung damage more than 75%, after resuscitation, artificial ventilation of lungs and other tests, which thrust people to COVID-19.

Valentin Mikhailovsky in the hospital for almost 2 months. It is not yet possible to breathe without a mask with oxygen, but doctors praise him, because the Master of Sports of the International Class on Athletics of Motivation and Persistent does not occupy. Before Coronavirus, he ran 6 kilometers per day.

Valentin Mikhailovsky: "There is enough diseases, but there are children, grandchildren who are fighting, and want to live for another 20 years. To survive, you need to fight yourself, you help with these doctors."

Full recovery can take 3 months, and more. The way to overcome: stand up on your feet, start breathing and talking without a mask, make the first steps around the bed. Closer to the finish of the patient are allowed to walk to walk. This means that before discharge.

Svetlana Rusal, Head of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Hospital: "A heavy, unstable patient who is on oxygen, I would be afraid to make a simulator at the initial stage, then it will be very relevant, very necessary. But, as a rule, this equipment is a reward, work with such patients begins in the ward on the bed. "

Rehabilitation techniques go to the people, doctors produce video guides with exercises, growing demand for health gadgets.

In this wave, two schoolgirls from Kuzbass developed their breathing simulator, which, according to their idea, will be useful and accessible to everyone.

Alena Vladimirova, the developer of the simulator: "We realized that all the simulators operate according to one principle - put pressure on the lungs. We studied the ergonomics of a person and came to the conclusion that creating ergonomic and simple, in fact, the simulator would be very simple. "

Alina painted a 3D model, Alena printed a prototype from a special environmentally friendly plastic on a 3D printer. The first has tried the result on the scientific director.

The simulator looks like a frivolous simply, but the pupils of the Technopark of Alyona and Alina were able to convince experts during the presentation during the presentation, and among them were doctors, businessmen and officials that this elementary lookup device works effectively.

Anna Civilova, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Council in the social sphere of Kuzbass: "It seems to me that it is very useful, interesting, promising. We are glad for the guys, we are glad that such is opportunities so that they can be implemented in such institutions as "Kwanorium".

Compete with existing respiratory instruments is difficult. Young engineers argue that their simulator is the most inexpensive, many times cheaper than others. 10 9-graders devices have already been given to the hospital, where patients are restored after coronaivirus.

Gleb Kolpinsky, chief physician of the diagnostic center (Kemerovo): "Pre-looking at the work of the device, our doctors rehabilitologists and patients expressed, of course, before, such wishes: it needs, of course, to implement. And the cost is very low compared to the analogs. "

The device is where to develop. For example, you can attach sensors to measure the parameters of inhalation and exhalation. Now Alina and Alyona are looking for an investor to pass medical certification, only after that their development can be used in hospitals and launch into mass production.

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