18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series "What will happen if ..."


Sometimes people unexpectedly become witnesses of a random experiment. So one of the heroes of our article learned that it is inside the anti-stress ball. And the other saw that he would become with garlic, if he was pickled. The third left a bowl for the night with a small number of salt water, and by morning it was found that it evaporated and salt crystals were formed at the bottom.

We are in ADME.ru several times already found answers to questions from the series "What will happen if ...". Here are another 18 new photos on the same topic.

If you wear a certificate in a case for a long time, it can print on it

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Swiggityswell / Reddit

If you lie face in the snow and then take a picture of the left track, you can create an optical illusion

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© SarcasMhurts3 / Reddit

That's what a children's hand turns around after swimming in the bath for an hour

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Share_ideate_inspire / Reddit

So it will look like a dog under the influence of static electricity

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series

"I hit and left my eye imprint on my glasses."

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Cyanized7 / Reddit

If the bleach sheds on paper towels, they can dissolve

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© JJkaSe / Reddit

This is how an ancient kettle will look like if he is polished

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Those_Pesky_Kids / Reddit

That's what will be with the ball for removing stress, if it burst

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Chibaldie / Reddit

30-year-old leather chair during cleaning

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© stainlesschina / Reddit

"Ink has not yet been dried when I put the disk into the drive. And that's what happened with the inscription "

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series

If you leave salt water so that it can dry, these square salt crystals may form.

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Filibaby / Reddit

If garlic pick up, then he will shoot

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Mattcrabjaw / Reddit

This is what will grow if accidentally crossed the pumpkin with watermelon

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© TheFrogwife / Reddit

That's what happened to Coca-Koloy, when it was poured into a flooded glass

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Mazda_Matt / Reddit

This will be the marmalady bear, if you immerse it into the water (for comparison, the usual teddy bear on the right)

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© jarzonmar6 / Reddit

That will be with a fly, which is not lucky to be on the technological line for the production of Scotch

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Thehan12 / Reddit

This is what the chimney turns into if the wasps will build a nest there

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© neradha / Reddit

This will be plastic dishes, if you leave it in the car during the heat

18 photos that will give a visual answer to the question from the series
© Net-Force / Reddit

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