Questions about the "letters of happiness" for inspection: what, to whom and how often?

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At the end of last week, the editorial office of Onliner received unconfirmed information that the traffic police begins the newsletter "letters of happiness" for the lack of inspection. On Friday, we tried to test this information in the traffic police in Minsk, and in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but nowhere have not confirmed this information. And on Monday, an official notice followed: mailing the most "letters of happiness" for inspection has already begun.

Questions about "letters of happiness" for inspection

Who will be punished for incarnated inspection?

As in the case of "letters of happiness" for exceeding the speed and violation of the rules of stopping / parking of vehicles, the decision for incredible inspection will be carried out with respect to the owner of the vehicle.

In order for this to be possible, the new Code of Administrative Offenses should be taken into force, which now provides for the possibility of attracting vehicle owners to liability for all violations against the safety of traffic and operation of transport on the basis of their fixation by special technical means operating automatically (Part 1 of Art. 4.8 of the COAMA).

At the same time, Part 3 of Art. 4.8 Administrative Code It is determined that the owner (owner) of the vehicle is not subject to administrative liability, if, when administrative proceedings, it will be established that at the time of fixing the administrative offense, the corresponding vehicle was in possession or in the use of another person or to this point, it was out of its possession The result of the unlawful actions of other persons.

And would everyone attract?

Our source argues that inspection in automatic mode will "catch" not all in a row, but only to attract in specific cases. At least for now.

Such a mechanism is assumed: for example, the car caught for exceeding speed. The state number is determined by the owner of the vehicle installed. Then check whether the inspection passed.

In the official report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nothing is said on this score.

And what if the machine is decorated for legalcy?

According to the new COAP, specifically in the case of fixing the administrative offense, expressed in operation in the road traffic of the vehicle, in respect of which the permission for admission to participate in road movement was not allowed to attract an administrative responsibility to a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, which is the owner (owner) vehicle.

For comparison, if it were about other administrative offenses against the safety of movement and operation of transport, the individual would be subject to a person who managed by the vehicle at the time of fixing the offense.

How should it work?

In general, there are little for drivers, compared with already familiar principles of speed of speeds. The automation records the fact of the participation of the vehicle in the road movement, recognizes the registration sign and is checked with the Database of AIS "Beltechosm" for the presence of permission for admission to participate in road traffic. At least, so assures traffic police.

In the absence of permission with respect to the owner, an appropriate resolution is made, which he will receive by mail.

What cameras will "catch" for inspection?

While it is not clear to the end, what kind of devices are we talking about: it can be the device for the Safe Roads of Belarus, the BELTOLL system can be connected. Also, it is impossible to exclude the sensors that are installed not stationary, but are used in patrol vehicles located in the stream in motion.

And what is the responsibility?

Responsibility for managing the vehicle, in respect of which the permit for admission to participate in road movement is provided for. 4 tbsp. 18.11 Administrative Code (for individuals) and Part 5 of Art. 18.11 Administrative Code (for Jurlitz). In the first case, a fine is provided in the amount of up to three basic quantities (up to 87 rubles) and under Part 8 of Art. 18.11 - from two to five basic quantities (from 58 to 145 rubles) for repetition during the year.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for operating in the road traffic of a vehicle in respect of which no permission for admission to participate in road traffic is risky to get a fine of up to 10 basic values ​​(up to 290 rubles).

Judging by the information that the Ministry of Internal Affairs spread, in the case of fixing the violation in automatic mode, the car owner has the right to count on the warning (for the first time). According to official data, if the violation was recorded for the first time, the owner is exempt from administrative responsibility with the prevention of him. Probably, in this case, you also need to wait for a "letter of happiness", otherwise how to learn about the warning received?

And the second time, as reported, the owner will be rapidly responsible in the form of a fine of 0.5 base values ​​(14.5 rubles). Responsibility is attracted both physical and legal entities - the owner or owner of the vehicle.

At the same time, in Article 8.3, the Administrative Code is alleged: "The person who committed misconduct is exempt from administrative responsibility with the prevention of the prevention while complying with the following conditions: 1) within one year before the misconduct did not affect the person, the penalty and the person was not exempted from liability; 2) recognized the fact of committing him an offense and agreed to exemption from administrative responsibility with the prevention (except in the cases of fixing the offense operating in automatic operations). In brackets are specified just our case.

It can be assumed that in the case of photo scope for inspection, the owner of the vehicle is exempt from administrative responsibility with the warning, if the violation was recorded for the first time during the year, and not for the first time in history.

If I get into several cameras - wait a few fines?

It all depends on which periodicity to come across. But in any case, the principle will act: no more than one fine per day, they speak the police.

Suppose the car moves with an incredible technical inspection in the Moscow Ring Road, several photo science cameras are driving. According to employees, in the end it is necessary to expect only one "letter of happiness."

"In accordance with the provisions of the new Administrative Code if the cameras record several such violations during the day (from 00:00 to 23:59), the owner of the TC will be attracted to administrative responsibility only once," the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.

This is a significant difference in how the speed is responsible for exceeding the speed, fixed by the same cameras: there the ruling will come for each fixed automatical fact of violation.

How to get to the inspection after registration and not get a fine?

Questions may occur based on permission to ride without that within 10 days after registration. This period is enshrined in the "Regulations on the procedure for conducting the state-hospitality of the vehicle and their admission to participation in road traffic", approved by Decree of the Council of 30.04.2008 No. 630. In paragraph 7, it is indicated: "The TC should be submitted for the State Hospital no later than ten days after its state registration."

It is not clear how to be new owners of such cars. Who will come by "letters of happiness", collected during this period: the seller or buyer?

The answer lies in paragraph 10.3 of the traffic rules: "The driver is prohibited to participate in the movement on the vehicle that has not passed the Gtechosmid and the procedure for issuing permits for his admission to participate in motion."

Simply put, to the car should stand, it is impossible to ride it. If it is unquestioning to follow this item of the rules, new owners should deliver their cars for inspection on the boiler. Previously, they closed their eyes. Cameras are obviously not closed - conflict situations will arise. In theory, with each appeal "Letters" for the indicated reason, the owner will have to prove that at the moment when he fell on the camera, he rode at the station.

By the way, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that in case of disagreement with the decision taken, it may be appealed in the traffic police unit at the place of residence within a month from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision.

And what already attract?

According to our information, yes, the rulings are already discharged. We ask those who received a "letter of happiness" for incarnated inspection, share "happiness" and write to us: [email protected] or

Will there be queues at diagnostic stations?

There were ate to consider to which excitement brought only the rumor about the fact that the inspection will begin to be photographing, then yes, you can expect the next appearance of long queues from the wishing to gain to participate in road traffic as soon as possible. In this case, it will be the third such wave this year. For the first time, we remind, the queues grew at the very beginning of the year, when the traffic police was untied from the inspection.

And will the sticker give?

Our readers from among those who have already managed to pass the inspection, regretted: instead of stickers give out a simple piece of paper. By the way, it is necessary to pay 8.7 rubles for it (it is impossible to pay on the spot, and through the Eraip - you can).

How often do you need to pass inspection?

Cars used in the commercial transport of passengers must be held GOSTHOSE once every six months.

Drivers of passenger cars, from the year of which there were 10 years or more, including the year of manufacture, it is necessary to provide a car for the passage of the GOSTHOSMOT every 12 months.

Cars, except for special cars, over the year of the release of which have passed less than 10 years, including the year of release, are held by Gostechosmid once every two years.

How to go from the first time?

Universal recipe will not tell me, but we can give a couple of tips.

Before visiting the diagnostic station, check the condition of the glass, whether there are damage on them, and also remove all coatings from them, including film.

Check for a vehicle bundle for the presence of a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign and a medical aid kit. At the stations, however, they assure that they are no longer pressed because of such things, checking the real state of the vehicle, but it is better not to risk and prepare as it should.

Ensure that external lighting devices, beeps, wipers and windows, blower systems and windshield heating systems are operating. Check the levels of the corresponding liquids in the brake system tanks, cooling and engine lubrication systems, windows.

Well, wash the car before the technical inspection. It's a shame to obtain a refusal due to the fact that the car is dirty, and in this case have the right.

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