This is my city: General Director of Moskino Natalia Mokritsky

This is my city: General Director of Moskino Natalia Mokritsky 3721_1

On Vgikovskaya youth, the crowds of rats on the Peace Avenue in the early 1990s, hardworking modest Muscovites, restaurants on Pyatnitskaya and Moskino plans to celebrate the anniversary of the battle for Moscow.

I was born…

In Chisinau, in the capital of Moldova, his vitability and a positive attitude to life is obliged to its Chisinau Chişinău and Youth. This is a wonderful, comfortable, green, well-kept city. Pushkin lived in Chisinau, and before almost every local resident could not read a lecture on the topic "Pushkin in Moldova" without training. In his case, it was a deaf outskirts of the Russian Empire, and a person who grew up in the capitals was being boring there in the link. Pushkin wrote about Chisinau: "Chisinau's damned city! You get to scold the language ... "So, in Soviet times, people were very well-read there, I graduated from school number 2. Pushkin, and in her there was a cult of the poet, just from Chisinau all the suitcases took the books. Tomiki Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, "Decameron", Hemingway, which then resold from under the floors in Moscow and Leningrad, were printed in the Chisinau Publishing House "Literature ArtistiCE".

Now I live ...

In Moscow since 1988, for 33 years. I guess I'm already "Muscovite". I came to study in Vgika, which graduated in 1992. Moscow is my city, I remember how the metro is smelled at the "Prospekt Mira" and "VDNH". In general, in the 1980s, it seemed to me that the VDNH district was the center of the world, many visiting Vgikovs tried to settle after the institute in the area (Vgika's hostel is still on Galyushkin Street).

Already 27 years I live in Bryusov Lane (in the past, Nevozhanova Street). Why? Lucky. I think everyone is lucky with his "home". Just need to see the "Signs of Fate". My husband with my husband Mokritsky's own "sign" did not miss. I love our area, we live opposite the House of Artists of the Bolshoi Theater. The wonderful old lad ballerinas with stunning spins and gait, many brilliant opera singers, people from the "ex-time", communicated with Rostropovich, George Rerberg and other inhabitants of the Brysov Lane.

I love to walk ...

I love VDNH very much, there I walked a lot with a future husband, like Sokolniki. Oddly enough, I love to walk along Tverskaya, beautiful well-groomed, broad, there is something to stand - I have so rest.

Favorite area ...

I love the Red Presnya very much, worked for almost 10 years in the cinema center (then he was called "nightingale"), all the yards around their relatives. How many films were invented there, wines drinks, as it laughed there and sang.

Unloved area ...

I do not like Kapot, I don't really know the south of Moscow at all, but I am sure that there are excellent places there.

In restaurants and bars ...

I am almost every day - meetings, negotiations. I love a network of restaurants "simple things", very tasty, excellent staff, their cheese restaurant on Forest Cheese Connection - generally pearl. Mosquino, which I lead, is on Pyatnitskaya, in Zamoskvorechye. This is where the gastronomic Mecca is today. Here you like Bjorn and Rombus restaurants. But in general, I love to cook at home - dumplings, keel - I am very family.

A place where I want to get there for a long time, but it does not work in any way ...

I'm ashamed, but I was not in Tsaritsyno. I am going there for the last 10 years, well, no way.

Muscovites differ from residents of other cities ...

Real Muscovites are hardworking modest people. We can not imagine how much in the 1960s and 1970s Muscovites spent time on the road to work or study, which Muscovites are a patient people. But seriously, of course, Muscovites are quick, mobile, energetic, demanding. We need all the best, new, modern, at the same time we want to be touched emotionally, both in the urban decoration and in the cinema and theater.

Moscow is better than in New York, Berlin, Paris or London ...

Moscow is a native home, here I got married, gave birth to a daughter, here are my friends here, here speak Russian - that's all in Moscow better.

In recent years, Moscow has changed ...

Changed radically and, of course, for the better - I remember the crowds of rats, calmly walked along the avenue of the world in 1992. Today, Moscow is the most delicious, clean and spacious city. To speak about the level of services - from the manicure to the digitalization of urban spaces - it is not even fashionable because it is obvious. Level is the highest in the world.

I miss Moscow ...

Now in Moscow is very comfortable to live and work. It would be more sun, as in his youth ... and time, as in childhood. In general, it is very lacking a modern trendy area in the city of Type Willow in Miami or Kosan in Bangkok, where young and not very clothing designers could open their boutiques, where there would be a gallery of contemporary art, small cafes and shops with souvenirs in memory of Moscow. Arbat due to rental prices with this does not cope.

If not Moscow, then ...

New York, Miami or ... Chisinau.

In addition to work and at home, I can most often catch me in Moscow ...

In the restaurant "Simple things" on Nikitskaya, for ten years it was my summer gastronomic office, films "Correction Class" and Zoology ", Ivan Tverdovsky," Man from Podolsk "Seeds Serzin," Battle for Sevastopol "and" Chernovik "Sergey Mokritsky.

I'm working on ...

The plans to raise the recognition of our oldest cinema brand of Moscow (after all, "Mosquino" next year 90 years), to develop an educational direction and preparation of young middle-level filmmakers, attract foreign film groups for filming Moscow, creating their own magazine, popularly and not boringly telling about The culture of Moscow, holding the popular campaign "Night in the Cinema".

"Mosquino" is not only a network of city cinemas, this is the best filmmaking in the country, helping filmmakers to shoot movies on the streets of Moscow. And, of course, it is important for us to adequately celebrate the 80th anniversary of the battle for Moscow. We plan to this anniversary. Interesting and very different cinematographic shares. After all, the Soviet military cinematographers played a huge role in both the defense of Moscow and in the approach of the Great Victory.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova / Mia "Russia Today"

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