Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed fading tomatoes


    Good afternoon, my reader. In arid and cold periods, sensitive culture can slow down or suspend development. A similar effect gives the lack of nutrient in the soil. In such cases, the tomatoes need to be outlined - refer to the help of the compositions described in this article and give the focus on the plant.

    Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed fading tomatoes 3713_1
    Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed the fading tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    You can stimulate the growth of tomatoes before landing - in this you will help you aloe juice. To prepare the nutritional composition, the lower leaves of aloe must be cut, withstand about 12 hours in the refrigerator, and after squeeze. Seeds of fruit culture should be soaked in the resulting solution, soaring, without flushing juice.

    The following feeder is carried out after the sprouts of the tomatoes tied their first leaves. During this period, seedlings need large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen, the lack of these substances will help help such means as "unifloor-growth", "Kemira-suite", "Rasinarin". The listed compositions are used dissolved in water, a teaspoon of fertilizer on 5 liters of liquid usually more than enough.

    The plant described below is to feed no more than three times during the season, two-week breaks should be made between processing.

    • Superphosphate solution (20 grams), potassium chloride (15 grams) and urea (10 grams). Substances in these quantities must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.
    • Infusion of ash. For the preparation of the means you will need 2 liters of heated water and a tablespoon of ashes. The mixture is insist for about a day, before use is filled.
    • Infusion of egg shell. To prepare such a composition, a 3-liter tank for two thirds is filled with shells, after which the top is poured with water. After three days, the filling solution is anew to the liquid in proportion of 1: 3.
    Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed fading tomatoes 3713_2
    Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed the fading tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Lined in open soil seedlings of tomatoes useful to the funds described below.
    • Humid, compost, wood ash and superphosphate will help increase nutrient content in the soil. In the ground, these substances are added to shrub landing.
    • Under the roots of the plant, you can make a mixture of water and breadfall. Nutrient Cashier will saturate the plant useful for growing substances.
    • You can prepare a dairy-iodine feeding. For this, 10 drops of medication must be mixed with a liter of milk and dilute with 9 liters of water.
    • Twice per season, the plant can be sprayed with a mixture of boric acid (1 teaspoon), household soap (one briquette), copper mood (1 teaspoon), manganese (chipping) and calmagnesia (1 teaspoon).
    • It does not hurt the shrub of the help of a chicken litter solution. In 0.5 liters of such a composition, a tablespoon of sulfate is added and two tablespoons of the superphosphate, the resulting mixture is diluted with 10 liters of water and leave it to be accepted during the day.
    • Once every two weeks, shoots should be picked by the infusion of ash. The method of cooking in the article was described above.

    The bushes landed in the greenhouse usually feed much less often - 2-3 treatments for the season with a healthy plant will be quite enough. Sobs suffering from lack of nutrients can be fertilized more often - once every 10-12 days. Use the recommended compounds described below:

    Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed fading tomatoes 3713_3
    Fertilizer encyclopedia. Than to feed the fading tomatoes Maria Verbilkova
    • Two weeks after transplanting, the shrub should be filled with urea solution. Prepare means by mixing a tablespoon of substances with 10 liters of water.
    • Effective will be solutions of dry manure or dung. These organic fertilizers are bred by water in a ratio of 1:10, 2-3 liters of the mixture obtained are brought under one bush.
    • Plant growth stimulate spraying with microelements solutions. The sulfate manganese (4 grams), sulfate copper (2 grams), boric acid (2 grams) - any of these substances can be dissolved in 10 liters of water and use as feeding for the shoots of tomatoes.
    • It is useful to shrub will be divorced in 10 liters of water a mixture of humate (1 tablespoon) and complex nitrogen-containing fertilizer (1 tablespoon). The solution consumption for one bush should be about 0.5 liters.
    • During the ripening period, the harvest, the shoots can be sealed with a solution of superphosphate. To prepare a remedy, a tablespoon of substance must be dissolved in a liter of water, after the mixture is imagined, it should be diluted with another 9 liters of fluid.

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