More than T2.5 million lured Internet fraudsters from a pensioner from Petropavlovsk


More than T2.5 million lured Internet fraudsters from a pensioner from Petropavlovsk

More than T2.5 million lured Internet fraudsters from a pensioner from Petropavlovsk

Petropavlovsk. January 31. KazTAG - more than T2.5 million lured Internet fraudsters from a pensioner from Petropavlovsk, conveys KazTAG.

"The 66-year-old Petropavlovets lost T2.7 million, although until the latter did not believe the attacker. He introduced himself by telephone by the Bank's Security Service and stated that someone was trying to bring a large amount from the client's account. Allegedly, to prevent a transaction, you need to name the PIN code of the bank card. The man knew from the media about the receptions of fraudsters, but the criminal called the amount of money that was on the client's account, and what financial transactions he made recently. It convinced a man, he dictated a PIN code and lost all the accumulations, after which he turned to the police, "said the press service of the Police Department of the North Kazakhstan region on Sunday.

This fact is registered in a single register of pre-trial investigations under Part 2 of Art. 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"This case is not the only one. Where criminals come from with accurate information still have to find out. While it remains to state: fraudsters can have access to confidential information. To enter trust, they call the name and age, Iin and the home address of the victim, the status of a bank account. Nevertheless, for access to money, they require a PIN card code or a one-time password from an SMS message. To achieve this information, they provide psychological pressure: persistently do not recommend contacting the bank personally, they say assertively, aggressively, may even threaten. One of these cases was submitted by our employees in the Yerr under Article 115 (threat) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Ruslan Syzdykov commented on the head of the second police department of Petropavlovsk.

Police reminds: Real bank employees on the phone never require confidential data from customers. Having received a dubious call, it is best to stop chatting and immediately contact the bank in person or by phone call-center specified on the official website.

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