In China, volatile mice revealed 4 close to SARS-COV-2 coronavirus


In China, volatile mice revealed 4 close to SARS-COV-2 coronavirus 3701_1
In China, volatile mice revealed 4 close to SARS-COV-2 coronavirus

Many representatives of the scientific world are still confident that the coronavirus epidemic became the result of the transmission of the virus from the volatile mice to intermediate animal species, which led to the infection of millions of people around the world, so scientists continue to look for similar coronaviruses in the volatile mice biomaterials.

Several studies of specialists did not confirm with 100% probability the possibility of the beginning of a pandemic due to bats, which led to the emergence of other versions on the origin of the virus. But at the disposal of scientists there are hundreds of biomaterials of volatile mice, with the help of which research on the origin of the virus continues.

With these biomaterials, they decided to work scientists from Australia and China, the results were published on Biorxiv. The authors of the study clarify that their disposal had more than 400 samples of biomaterials of volatile mice living in Yunnan's province, with which the outbreak of COVID-19 began. Samples were collected for a year and a half, so you can track various stages of virus development, if they are present in the collected biomaterials.

Professor Edward Holmes, who spoke about the progress of the study with other experts in the field of microbiology, was the head of the researcher. The scientists managed to find in the biomaterials of 24 DNA coronaviruses, but only four of them are related SARS-COV-2, while others are similar by the structure of SARS-COV.

Separately, experts were isolated by one of the 24 virus genomes, which is identical in structure with the COVID-19 causative agent by 94.5%, which may prove the initial version of the origin of coronavirus from bats, although the recent investigation of the World Health Organization in Uhana did not give such results.

Moreover, scientists have found traces of other viruses in biomaterials, which may be the cause of other domestic diseases, but these viruses are just planned to be explored, so scientists do not make premature conclusions about the possibility of transferring these viruses from animals to person.

Recall that during the pandemic in the world was revealed

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infected patients. In some countries, voluntary vaccination of the population began, but a number of scientists suggest that the third wave of the epidemic may begin in the near future, because Preparations for vaccination for all wishing missing.

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