7 habits that work like real cheat codes for weight loss


The path to the dream figure always begins with the calculation of calories and compliance with the energy balance. But there are also loopholes that help cut the road. Everything is simple: the brain and the body can be reached a little, forcing them to work with us at the same time. Who would have thought that faithfully selected lighting or meal reception can play no last role in losing weight.

We are in adme.ru only when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, we found several encouraging research, where we are talking about simple ways to combat extra kilograms.

1. Buy monotonous food

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The truth is that the diversity of forms and flowers excites curiosity from any person. Therefore, we want to try all colorful candy from packaging or each of the types of pasta pasta, even if they are the same taste. It clearly showed an experiment with M & M's, during which it became clear that the more colors were granted, the more people eat. And when the candy was divided into separate handhes in colors, the subjects wanted to certainly try a snack from each sector. Therefore, the packaging with "boring", the same cookies and candy will cause less temptation.

2. Drink from narrow and long glasses

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Everyone knows that you can reduce the size of the portion by taking a smaller plate. But in the dishes is important not only size, and also the form. It turns out that using wide and low glasses, we drink 57% more juice, without noticing it. Even professional bartenders sin that in wide and low glasses poured 20.5% more drinks than high and narrow. Of course, if you drink only water, then everything can be just the opposite: it is more profitable to use wide glasses, because there is no risk to overdo it with calories.

3. There is a right light

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People choose less healthy food options when surrounding the lighting dim. And the reason lies in the fact that the brightness of light affects mental activity, which means that the ability to make decisions. There are a number of restaurants in which it is so dark that the text in the menu is barely distinguish. It turned out that in such establishments people eat more. In another study, there were four restaurants - in the two light turned on brightly, in two others muffled. As a result, in establishments with muted light, people were eaten by 40% more kcal than in those where it was light.

4. Eat the main calorie for breakfast

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It is well known that in losing weight the main thing is a deficiency of calories. But the meal time is also important. So, with the same rate of 1,400 kcal women who tightly fired at breakfast, lost 2.5 times more weight than their partner on an experiment with satisfying dinner. The optimal turned out to be a schedule with breakfast at 700 kcal, lunch in 500 and dinner in 200.

5. Work near daylight source

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Long-term foundation in artificial lighting suppresses fat burning. The entire light that does not come from the sun is the light of the monitor screen, telephone, street lamps, home lamp or fluorescent lamps, can provoke a weight set, as he knocks the organism circadian rhythms. The work at the window minimizes the risks of artificial lighting and contributes to the best sleep. By the way, sleep in a dark bedroom is that the doctor prescribed, for those who work at night. Rather, what scientists advise.

6. Start the morning, being in the light

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Morning need to start not with coffee, but from sunbathing. Thoughtful people who in the morning at least 45 minutes have spent at sunlight, began to lose weight, and their appetite decreased. Probably the morning sun has a beneficial effect on metabolism and helps the body to start burn fat.

7. Move, even when you sit

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Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle is harmful. It would seem, well, what to do if this work is? There is still a way out - the stool turned out to be useful. People gave out a stand for kneading legs and a chair where it is convenient to spin and rotate in different directions, and then asked not to sit idiot, but to move. It turned out that energy consumption increased significantly and became approximately equal to walking at a speed of 2 kilometers per hour. Even if there are no special gadgets for this, nothing prevents the kneading legs and smallers sitting as much as possible.

What habits help you keep the form? Do you think calories or go to the gym?

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