Siberia will fallinate with roses: 7 million a year will supply TC Novosibirsk

Siberia will fallinate with roses: 7 million a year will supply TC Novosibirsk 3680_1

In 2021, for the first time, a resident of Novosibirsk was able to receive bouquets from roses to the International Women's Day, grown here in the Siberian capital. The Greenhouse Plant "Novosibirsk", which opened this winter, the workshop for the production of roses on the cut, claims the title of the most technological enterprise for the cultivation of this type of colors.

Color growing technology has been demonstrated to journalists on March 4 during the press tour to the plant.

As the Deputy Chairman of the Government told - Minister of Agriculture of the Novosibirsk Region Yevgeny Leshchenko, TK Novosibirsk - While the only large greenhouse complex in the region, where they decided to change the traditional vegetable assortment to a completely new product type.

They produced reconstruction - now 2 hectares of the square are employed under the flowers, they purchased expensive landing material in the Netherlands.

Grown varieties: Avolanzh, Pic Avolant, Prestige, Revival, Sweet Revival are selected on the basis of marketing research of siberian preferences.

"More precisely, of course, Sibiryachk," Mikhail Grigorenko explains the general director of the greenhouse combine. - Our roses are not inferior to imported in appearance, but they are superior in quality. One of the main advantages is the freshness of a live flower, which in two days from the moment cutting falls to the consumer. "

For comparison: Most of the parties imported from abroad go to the Novosibirsk Advancement for 10-11 days. And thanks to the "drying" of culture at the plant, the capacity of the light flux is unique for Russian greenhouses, the production of high-quality flower is possible year-round, including at the darkest season - in winter.

"In this section, the plant will receive 7 million roses per year," says Mikhail Grigorenko. - And in the near future we will proceed to the reconstruction of another site, too, with an area of ​​2 hectares. In total, the area for growing roses is planned to be increased to 8 hectares, and within five years to translate the entire plant for the production of colors by adding gerbera, chrysanthemums into the range of gerbera.

It is planned to supply products not only within the Novosibirsk region, but also in neighboring subjects of the Russian Federation: from the Urals to the Far East, because in Siberia there is no such large color producer in the protected soil.

"The color house industry has not yet received sufficient development both in the country as a whole and in our region. More than 90% of colors are covered from abroad. At the same time, the potential for the development of the industry here, in Siberia, very large, and the process of saturation of the domestic market by local flower products has already begun, - noted by Evgeny Leshchenko. - I am sure we will handle this task quite quickly, for several years. As it happened, for example, with another greenhouse product: vegetables of closed soil. Literally in recent years, a number of large greenhouse complexes have been built in the Novosibirsk region, the region has not just achieved self-sufficiency on greenhouse vegetables, but also exceeded this threshold: we already produce more than necessary for internal consumption, and more than 25% are exporting beyond the region. "

Leshchenko stressed that the "Novosibirsk" roses grown by the greenhouse combine are quite competitive in price, and residents of the Novosibirsk region will now receive Siberian flowers for the reasonable cost and, with the highest possible quality.


The total area of ​​the Novosibirsk Combine is 14.73 hectares. High degree of automation of the greenhouse complex (automatic control of microclimate, irrigation, etc.) contribute to improving product quality and reduction of manual labor. In 2020, the overall collection of vegetable products amounted to 14.2 thousand tons. Middle-deep cucumbers are grown, creamy tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, leaf salad.

In general, in the Novosibirsk region, the area of ​​vegetables of protected soil in 2020 was 44.6 hectares, gross fee reached 41.3 thousand tons.

(Source and photo: Official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Novosibirsk Region).

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