March 21 - the birthday of Airton Senna


March 21 - the birthday of Airton Senna 3664_1

Today, Ayrton Senn could be filled 61 years old, and probably there is no point in building assumptions than the great Brazilian racer did in our time if 27 years ago his life was not interrupted after the accident on the track in the immol.

Any ratings are relative, but attempts to build a certain hierarchy of the best riders in the history of formula 1 most often lead to the fact that the name of Senna turns out to be on the first line.

On March 21, the Motorsport World recalls this outstanding person, many different types of publications have appeared on social networks, and there is mainly on its sporting achievements. Much less often you can meet the memories of how he was man.

We will try at least a little to fill this space.

In his youth, Ayrton was distinguished from his Brazilian peers in that while they had already had fun in most of them, he was somewhat thoughtlessly rejoiced by life or bent for some reason, as it should be supposed to be like this age, he was not before. He had long set a goal and completely devoted himself to motor racing.

Senna graduated from Rio Branko College in Sao Paulo, where there was far from the best student. Most of all he liked physical education, as well as objects related to the study of art. From the natural sciences, he preferred chemistry, while mathematics and physics were not interesting for him. Oddly enough, but in English he did not have any special success, although he subsequently mastered it perfectly.

Airton was a deeply religious person and believed that his talent was sent to him by heaven. Most likely, with this side of his nature, it is also connected with the fact that becoming a famous rider, he retained a close connection with the Brazilian society and considered his duty to do everything that was in his power to improve the lives of people in his country. Therefore, he created his charity foundation, the purpose of which was to help children from poor families receive education.

After his death, the Fund was transformed to the Arston Senna Institute, and now the representative offices of this organization work in 15 Brazilian states and in 450 municipalities of the country. Every year, 60 thousand people are in vocational training in them, and all the programs of the Institute covers 1.5 million students.

"Wealthy people can no longer live in luxury on the island surrounded by the ocean poverty," said Ayrton in one of the interviews. "We are all breathing with one air, we must give everyone a chance to get normal nutrition, education and medical care."

But still, for most of the fans of the motor racing of the whole world, Senna remains a "Brazilian Wizard", as he was called in those times when he was created by miracles on racing routes. And it is quite logical that in the team McLaren, preparing to celebrate the 61st birthday of the rider in his own way, who mined three champion titles for her, chose for a poster, which illustrates this text, several triumphant moments, because there were many of them in Arton's career.

Source: Formula 1 on

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