"Double debts": a resident of Kazan was supposed to be 40 thousand rubles for a communal service in Novosibirsk - Video


The girl lives in Kazan and never had real estate in Siberia there. To understand where the debts come from and why the bills are blocked, Yana Fedorova turned to the attacks, but without waiting for the solution for help came to the editor of TNV.

So, for 2 years, Yana Fedorova could not figure out where she has debts for an apartment in Novosibirsk. The girl from the Spassky district, now lives in Kazan. In Siberia housing, she never had. The fact that she "malicious non-payer" she learned on the state services portal. Then they arrested bills, bank cards, from a salary of 20 thousand rubles began to deduct 50%.

"I went to the bailiffs, I say the baby is small, and I have a 50% patch. They say: "We can't do anything," I went to the prosecutor's office. I wrote a statement, it was transferred to the attacks, they came from them that we could not do anything, you were clear in Tatarstan, I told Yana Fedorov.

Then Yana called bails to Novosibirsk. They advised to come to them. As it turned out, the absolute namesake of Yana lives there. Lawyers for the help are asking tens of thousand rubles. The girl has such an opportunity. As a result, the debt is hanging. As Yana says, the order of forty thousand has already been recovered from it. But the twin continues to live at her account and the debt grows with every invoice for the month.

For helping the day before, together with the girl, the news edition of TNV appealed to the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. The statement was accepted there.

- Such stories of twins are. Surname, name, patronymic Even the dates of birth are the same type and therefore, with citizens begin to take certain amount for the loan, which he did not take for debts, "Saria Saria authorized by the Commissioner for Human Rights.

The fact is that only the name of the name of the debtor and the date of birth is indicated in the executive sheets of bailiffs. No other required.

- Perhaps this is a mistake, or the adaptation of a person from the wrong entity, the human factor is quite possible, the head of the law firm Arthur Adiatulin.

We contacted the Novosibirsk Office of the Bailiff Services and the recheck began.

- Currently, the information has been transferred to the bailiff, which leads this production to clarify all the circumstances. In the near future, the baits will contact this citizen - a specialist in cooperation with the UNSSP of Russia in the Novosibirsk region Andrei Semenov.

After that, they must remove restrictions from accounts. The problem of "twins" is not new. The solution is already found. Now in the State Duma for consideration of amendments to the Law on Enforcement Procedure. In the documents, the attachments will have the unique debtor's identifier. For example - TIN or SNILS. After all, sometimes it is not necessary to count on the decency of the twin.

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