Main restaurant discoveries of Moscow - 2020


Main restaurant discoveries of Moscow - 2020 3604_1

Tourism and public catering suffered in a pandemic strongest. And if the cafes and restaurants were even able to stay afloat at least in Lokokun (although the delivery and work of the honeycomb are incapable of completely compensating for the drop-down income), then the hotels just stood empty for a long time. Nevertheless, neither the hotelians nor the restaurants are not ready to give up. Despite financial difficulties and uncertainty, managers are looking for new formats of work in the changed conditions, and investors risk and open new institutions. Vtimes chose the most significant appeared in 2020.

Gimpel. August

Contrary to epidemiological restrictions and their consequences, the restaurant business of Moscow did not pause. The number of institutions has practically not changed compared with last year - the number of new places turned out to be comparable to closed. One of the most interesting discoveries of 2020 is Gimpel near Moscow. A small institution is located on the real country in Peredelkin, but it is designed not only and not so much at the locals, how many guests who are ready for dinner on a trip from Moscow. To support interest, the Pop-up format was chosen: the restaurant is open only on Saturdays, each time in the kitchen has a new chef. The first dinner was preparing Glen Ballis. After - Tahir Holikbediev, Vlad Piskunov, Andrei Makhov, Evgeny Kuznetsov and many others, including Alexander Rappoport's restaurant. Prices vary from 12,000 to 17,000 rubles. For a ticket, the price includes dinner actually, as well as an excursion to transceiver with an occasion in house-museums and tea drinking. Tickets are a bit, only 20, usually bind them on the day of sales start. Those who did not have enough locations, write down on the waiting list.

Northern River Station. September

The large-scale reconstruction of the northern river station on the bank of the Moscow channel took about 10 years and was almost over the day of the city (celebrated on the first weekend of September). Almost - because the project provided for not only the restoration of the main building, the park and the arrangement of the embankment, but also the creation of a new transport scheme. The repair work continues, but in September the renewed station and the surrounding park solemn the mayor of Sergei Sobyanin solemnly opened, and in two days, 19,000 people visited the renovated landmark. In the building station, there is a small museum dedicated to the development of the North (the polar expeditions sent from the northern river station in the 1940s), an office where you can buy a tour of the Moscow River, as well as the Volga-Volga restaurant of the SOHO Family. The restaurant is set aside in the Soviet retro style, and its kitchen is like a river. For the monument of Stalinist architecture, this concept is quite organic.

Mövenpick Moscow Taganskaya. October

The hotel industry turned out to be one of the most affected by Kovid, nevertheless last year in Moscow, on the Earthly Shaft, another five-star hotel opened - Mövenpick Moscow Taganskaya. Investors from Kazakhstan and the ACCOR hotel chain, which belongs to the Mövenpick brand has been risked. The hotel was ready for the discovery in the spring of 2020, but the pandemic intervened. In the fall, the owners were in front of the choice: to postpone the hotel's opening for the next year and dissolve the recreed staff or still open the hotel in October. And chose the second. In the eight-storey building of the hotel - 154 rooms, a Bar and Restaurant of Modern Shagal Kitchen for 100 seats. Which, as hoping for ACCOR, with the end of the pandemic will be the center of attraction for tourists and Muscovites.

Savva. October

The opening of the SAVVA restaurant at the Metropol Hotel was eagerly waiting for the totality of the reasons. First, the location in the historic hotel is a monument of architecture and independent attractions. Secondly, the management of the updated Savva entrusted the restaurant Arkady Novikov. Thirdly, the Savva chief and after the reconstruction remained Andrei Shmakov - one of the most famous and interesting young chefs working in the capital. The result of joint efforts, which gastronomic Moscow was waiting for two years, became a respectable restaurant, in the opinion of many experts conceived with an obvious loan to the Michelin Guide, "on the coincidence or not, about his appearance in Moscow announced two months after the opening of SAVVA. The restaurant menu is not divided into the usual sections of snacks and main dishes, but on the thematic sections of four dishes. They are reflected both actual gastronomic trends (for example, the "vegetables" and the "farm" section), and important for the Chief of History (in the "Baltic" section of Schmakov introduces guests with tastes of places where he comes from).

Krasota. December

Another long-awaited long-distance restaurant Krasota, the opening of which Holding White Rabbit Family (WHITE RABBIT, SELFIE, Sakhalin restaurants) announced back in 2019 and transfers several times. Last time - in March 2020: Then everything was ready, but the pandemic violated plans. Krasota is a small restaurant for 30 landings and a gastronomic theater for 20 seats - the first such institution in Russia. The presentation in this theater is as follows. Guests after the call are cleared behind a round table, they are served by a set menu, and the feed is complemented by video installations created by the director Anton Neshev. The first performance was called "Imaginary Russia" and fenced on the topic of the past, present and future country. Success at the time of opening is impressive: at the cost of 18,500 rubles. Only one thing remains for the ticket place for January, and since February has been announced three performances per day.

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