In Ugra, revealed 19 best young oil industry specialists

In Ugra, revealed 19 best young oil industry specialists 3594_1
In Ugra, revealed 19 best young oil industry specialists

Nizhnevartovsk held 24 Regional Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Specialists of the Self-Solorneftegaz joint stock company. 137 participants presented their developments. These are not only novice oilmen, but also young employees of the enterprise, as well as students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, which are partners of society. Projects they defended in 17 sections.

Due to restrictive measures related to the prevention of coronavirus infection, the conference was conducted in remote format. However, judging by the speeches, the participants have already mastered the new conditions.

Young peculiar to wade into big things. The conference participants Emil Ishamchurin and Ahmed Betirsultans proposed to optimize the repairs of wells due to the use of multifunctional layout. The work on the project was not easy. Setting the problem, searches for solutions, selection of suitable tools - Senior colleagues helped in all young professionals.

Ahmed Betirsultanov, Young Specialist Samotlorneftegaz JSC NK Rosneft: "We considered various solutions that could be applied in Selflorneftegaz. But they realized that they were not suitable due to the economic component. Then we developed our own layout. " The advanced idea of ​​Emil and Ahmed took second place in the Technological Innovation Section in the development and operation of oil and gas fields. " Like any novator, they dream of finalizing the project and apply it on self-control. Valentin Mamaev, General Director of Samotlorneftegaz JSC: "In the history of" Samotlorneftegaz "there are indicative examples when the best projects of young professionals were introduced into production and successfully implemented. This is a good stimulus. It is nice to see that the positions of the leaders retain innovators of the enterprise that manifested themselves at previous conferences and raised at the final stage. " The list of winners of the regional conference of this year 19 the names of young professionals. They will have to protect the honor of the enterprise at the conference stage, which, in April, will be held on the basis of Selflorneftegaz. The online playground will unite the best innovators of more than 15 subsidiaries of Rosneft oil company from all over the country.

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