Hurry up at the last moment: Winter holidays in March

Hurry up at the last moment: Winter holidays in March 3561_1
Hurry up at the last moment: Winter holidays in March Dmitry Eskin

Long March weekends - perhaps the last chance to admire snow landscapes and frosty air. Time Out together with Avials picked up 3 of the most interesting option of flights up to 5,000 rubles for those who want to extend the winter.


The cost of the flight in both directions is 1600 rubles.

Time on the way - 1 h 10 minutes

Output temperature - -3 °

Bryansk for more than 1000 years, so in history - there. Previously, the Center for the Principality, now Bryansk is a small town with old temples, museums and reserves. The city is worth going to stroll through the AK Museum Park. Tolstoy. It is known for the collection of wooden sculptures based on Russian fairy tales. Not far from the city is a reserve "Bryansk Forest" - a suitable place to walk, breathe fresh air and even get acquainted with bison and roasted. Excursions are held for ecotourists.

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St. Petersburg

The cost of the flight in both directions - 3791 rubles.

Time on the way - 1 h 30 minutes

Output temperature - -3 °

Muscovites fly to the weekend in St. Petersburg and on the contrary - this beautiful track can hardly be called an adventure. But did you ever fly to Peter to go skating? Although Moscow is hard to hide in part of entertainment, the rink of the sea is not exactly there. Skating in the port of Sevkabel with panoramic sea view works daily. There is hire of skates and foodtresses with hot meal.

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The cost of the flight in both directions is 4049 rubles.

Time on the way - 1 h 20 minutes

Output temperature - -3 °

Monument "White Bima", Stone Bridge, Art Galleries and Annunciation Cathedral - All this can be seen in Voronezh. And in the beloved city of Kitten from the street Lieseukov, it is worth walking along the embankment: it was there that Peter I founded a shipbuilding shipyard. Behind the scope and clean air you can go beyond the city in the Museum-Reserve "Divnogorier". In the summer there are crowds of tourists, and now it's time for a quiet walk and dizzying snow-covered panoramas.

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In the design of the article were used photos from the site Depositphotos.

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