Galonia. How to grow a valley tree?

Galonia. How to grow a valley tree? 3557_1
Galonia. How to grow a valley tree? Photo:

Galonia is a flowerfish dream. A tree decorated while flowering with valley lilies, will be proud of the garden collection. But to grow it for only professionals or persistent gardeners.

It should not be confused with another type of plants, which are also called a lonelywed tree - a tree-like cell, which is less than gallopia in size and blooms much later. In natural conditions, Galonia grows in North America and in the south-east of Asia. The genus Galonia is small, enters the sticked family.

This plant was loved by gardeners and flowers for refined flowering. Looking at him, it seems that the lily of the valley flowers by some mysterious way, wishing to consider what is being done in the world, climbed onto a tree.

Landshev tree flowers are large, drooping, bell-shaped, as a rule, white. The whitewings numbers 4 petals.

Elegant galleep is becoming even before the blooming of flowers: her pinkish buds shine in the sun, attracting eyes. And when her "lilies" will be revealed, even indifferent to the flowering plants, a person will surely stop to make sure they are not lily of the valley on the tree.

Blossom is short, only two weeks, but a silver color come to the flowrels at the end of the summer, which decorate the tree in the autumn period.

In our climatic conditions, it is possible to grow only two types of Galonia: Galonia Carolinskaya and Galonia mountain. They are enough frost resistant, withstand frosts up to 28-29 degrees.

Galonia. How to grow a valley tree? 3557_2
Galonia Carolinskaya photo: Baummapper, Wikimedia

Karolinskaya Galonia in the countries of continental Europe is called a tree of snowy droplets, in England - a tree of silver bells, in Russia - the Londeyshev tree.

The tree of snowy droplets is growing in the shape of a high shrub. Straight, bright brown branches form a pyramidal crown. Elliptic leaves are arranged alternately, a length is reached 10 cm.

For the first time, Galonia blooms aged 6-8 years. It should be noted that abundant bloom is observed not every year. It happens that after a harsh winter, the plant does not bloom at all.

Nowadays, several decorative varieties of Galonia Carolinskaya are derived, these are the most popular:

  • Rose - has pink flowers;
  • Meehanii - wrinkled leaves, flowers whiskers deeply dissected;
  • DialyPetala - the whisk is not dissected;
  • Mollis - has a magnificent crown, large leaves, in which the lower side is published.
Galonia. How to grow a valley tree? 3557_3
Galonia Carolinskaya photo: Baummapper, Wikimedia

Galonia mountain is less common. Frost tolerates worse than Carolinskaya. Its large, drooping flowers of cream shade are collected in the brush. In vivo, the tree reaches 30 meters in height, in culture - 4 meters.

It is quite difficult to grow a fairly difficult thing in your land plot. Young trees to the frost are more sensitive, so the first years of life Galonia is desirable to grow as a waiting plant.

It is necessary to place it in winds protected and drafts. It should be borne in mind that for normal development and blossoms, a valley wood need to receive a lot of sunlight.

The soil should be fertile, lightning, without limestone, which is destructive for this plant. On the bottom of the landing pit it is necessary to put a good layer of drainage, fall asleep with coarse-grained sand. The village planted is plentiful and climbed by peat.

To multiply galleep is difficult. In the middle lane, seeds do not ripen, they do not always succeed. In addition, the germination of seeds is low. We breed and cuttings, but with the method of their problems: Survival of cuttings is low, just above 50%, the first winter stalks must be kept in the apartment.

Gardening lovers experts recommend buying ready-made seedlings.

To plant a sapling - half the way, a difficult thing is ahead, namely, almost daily care for this exotom.

  • Galonia is vital for the constant moisture of the soil, so during the drought and heat and heat should be watering several times a day. This is especially true of autumn dry days - in front of the winter, the plant should well have a good moisture.
  • Twice a year, after trimming and before flowering in the end of spring, when the tree gains buds, it is fed by a nitroposka from the calculation of 30 g per square meter.
  • Another important point: trimming. In the spring, it is necessary to remove damaged shoots damaged for winter, it will contribute to more lush flowering.
  • Two or three times a year we recommend blurry.

It should be very responsible for the preparation of the Landshev tree to wintering. With the onset of frosts, but not earlier to avoid hearing, it should be covered. Hiding the crown, it is necessary to leave a hole for breathing. Upon reaching one-year-old growth, the tree can not be covered.

Galonia, with proper care, does not ill, pests also do not cause substantial damage to it.

In the regions with the harsh winters, the lonelyweshev specialists are recommended to grow in a container or as a room plant. Under such conditions, the maintenance of gallopia should be placed on well-lit places and once every two weeks to feed the universal fertilizer.

Galonia. How to grow a valley tree? 3557_4

Indoor specimens must be watered with caution: maintain a constant light humidity, but not to fill.

On the fresh air galleep need to be sent with the onset of warm summer days. And in the first days, it is for a short time that the plant will have to adapt.

Author - Lyudmila Belan-Chernogor

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