Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region entered the book about 100 modern heroes

Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region entered the book about 100 modern heroes 3548_1

The project "Feats" released a unique book for Russia - the second volume of "100 feats of ordinary people", this is reported by the project organizers.

The publication is devoted to the exploits of modern heroes. With the support of Rosmolodiga, it was possible to release 5,000 copies, which the team now sends to the libraries of the whole country.

The unique edition includes a hundred real stories of courageous and good deeds committed by our contemporaries. Every day, hundreds of cases of wonderful salvations occur in Russia. These stories could end tragically, but ending happily - thanks to the resourcefulness, courage, strength, not indifference to ordinary people who simply did not pass by someone else's trouble. Also in the book tells about police officers, firefighters and doctors who make feats daily and without work, it is impossible to imagine a safe and comfortable life.

The book also included the history of heroes from the Nizhny Novgorod region. Both of the city of Pavlovo.

In January 2020, 18-year-old Sergey Anuchin, along with a friend, hurried to help a woman, which was robbed a criminal recidivist on the street. The attacker tried to escape with prey, but his guys caught up. Sergey Anuchin from hitting a knife in the heart died in place. Seryoja posthumously submitted to the "Valor and courage" award.

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Alexander Polyansky on April 10, 2020 saved two neighboring children from the fire. He was not far from his house, saw a fire and rushed to the building. I slew the second floor, the neighbors on the street shouted that children were left inside. Alexander ran into the entrance, but the fire has already blocked the passage. Then he decided to storm a burning house through the window. And on the sheer wall, as if a spiderman, climbed to the second floor, broke the window and penetrated into the apartment. First, Alexander lowered down from the window younger girl, following her - a senior boy. After the fire, Alexander Polyansky became for Dani and Kati herriad father.

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Recall, the team of Anno "Feats" won the grant competition of Rosmolodigi among NGOs. The size of the subsidy allocated from the federal budget amounted to 1,350,000 rubles. 67 artists from all over the world worked on the book - from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Canada. They created portraits of heroes in various styles, putting their own experiences from read stories into each work.

Recall, the team of Anno "Feats" won the grant competition of Rosmolodigi among NGOs. The size of the subsidy allocated from the federal budget amounted to 1,350,000 rubles. 67 artists from all over the world worked on the book - from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Canada. They created portraits of heroes in various styles, putting their own experiences from read stories into each work.

The publication is unique also by the fact that it is interactive - additional materials are posted on the site, not included in the print edition: Longrides, video interviews with heroes, photo galleries and podcasts. Materials motivate readers to make ordinary correct actions and see the hero in loved ones and yourself. The book "100 feats of ordinary people" is suitable for reading children of senior school age, teenagers and adults.

"We greatly selected our golden hundred features of the exploits of ordinary people, because over 7 years of work they have already accumulated more than eight thousand, - says the chief editor of the project Natalia is wider. - Absolutely each of our heroes is a person who can admire who really want to be like. It's great that the process of creating a book turned in part in the volunteer history: there were a lot of people, journalists and artists who today, I hope, are sincerely proud of the result. " reference

The project "Feats" was created in 2013. The ideologist and the main patronage of the project is an entrepreneur from Saransk, a co-founder of the Agency of Internet Advertising Nectarin Denis Schacinarin.

The editorial office of the "Feats" project finds and publishes heroic stories from the whole country and the world. The project's audience on six platforms on social networks today is more than 350,000 people.

In 2014, the team released the first volume of the books "100 feats of ordinary people", funds for the publication of which people were collected from around the world. In December 2019, with the help of crowdfunding, a book of fairy tales dedicated to the feats and the good deeds of modern children was released. At the end of 2020, two publications were seen at once: the second volume of the book of fairy tales and the second, the interactive volume of the "100 feats of ordinary people".

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