Clearing streets and courtyards from snow: the most relevant question in a straight line with the Karaev in Grodno


When working with the appeals of citizens, it is important not to quickly respond and solve problems, but also informing people about the made. Such an opinion today during a straight line in the Grodno City Executive Committee expressed an assistant to the President - inspector in the Grodno region Yuri Karaev.

Clearing streets and courtyards from snow: the most relevant question in a straight line with the Karaev in Grodno 3523_1

For two hours, about 20 calls came to the straight line. There were residents of not only the regional center, but also areas of the region - Volkovysk, Dyatlovsky, Koreichsky, Novogrudsky, Lidsky and others. Someone affected global questions, and someone asked for help in solving a personal problem. This time, the topic of clearing streets, courtyards, other territories from snow was very relevant. The region has survived several serious snowfall over the past weeks. There is snow today.

"Remove all the snow is simultaneously impossible. Communal services work actively, no unit of cleaning equipment in any districts is not idle. In any case, the appeal will not be ignored, "said Yuri Karaev. At the same time, he stressed that the people themselves could contribute to the cleaning of streets and courtyards. So, in the previous snowfall, employees of the regional executive committee worked on the territory adjacent to the building, BelTA correspondent reports.

Traditionally, questions concerned housing. In particular, a family with two children from Grodno turned for the consultation: they have been in line for construction for several years. In the city executive committee, they explained that now in the city is actively built housing. Moreover, some enterprises for their employees who need to improve housing conditions build so-called houses at cost, where the price of a square meter is 20-25% cheaper than the market. The head of the family is a specialty builder, and in the organizations of this industry such houses also build.

The urban authorities were grodno pointed to the unscrupulousness of a private construction company: People said that the work was made poorly and not completed within the deadline.

We will deal with the situation in Volkovysk. Residents of one of the houses complained to the cold, dampness and freezing of the walls. He had to insist before, but the work was constantly transferred.

Patriotic education of young people was also discussed. Pensioner from Grodno is confident: in this case, a more comprehensive and systematic approach is needed.

During the straight line, it was about the development of business, health care, including scheduled operations, infrastructure improvement.

"Sometimes it is said on the ground that, when responding to certain appeals of citizens did not violate the deadlines. It is good, but I think it is necessary to strive to make problematic issues as quickly as possible. It is also important not just to resolve the situation, but also to tell a person about what and how is it made by his appeal, "said Yuri Karaev. In general, he stressed, in the region, working with appeals, the response to them is established effectively.

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