Abaya Avenue was opened in the capital of Turkey


Abaya Avenue was opened in the capital of Turkey

Abaya Avenue was opened in the capital of Turkey

Astana. Dec. 31. KazTag - Abaya Cunanbauly Avenue was opened in the capital of Turkey, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan reports.

"The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey, in collaboration with the municipality of the Gelbashi district, Ankara was organized a special event on the occasion of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Cunanbauly and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nara Al-Farabi. Within its framework, the opening ceremony of Abay, the monument and exhibitions about the life of the Great Poet and Thinker was held, "the message was distributed in Thursday.

The Ambassador of Kazakhstan Abzal Saparbekuly in his speech stressed that the recognition of such outstanding personalities of the Great Steppe as Al-Farabi and Abay in Anatolia would certainly contribute to strengthening the spiritual bridge between Kazakhstan and Turkey. Despite the fact that they are representatives of different historical periods, there is a huge similarity between their writings.

In the course of the event, the books of the famous Kazakhstan scientist Akhan Al-Mashai "Abay and Farabi" and the writer, the State Agency of Anuar Alimzhanov "Teacher's Return", translated into Turkish joint efforts by the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey and the Eurasian Union of Writers.

The mayor of Gelbashi Ramazan Shimishek noted that the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nara Al-Farabi is a great honor for the municipality, as well as the whole country as a whole. It was emphasized that this prospectus and monument are a symbol of the Brotherhood of the two countries.

President of the Eurasian Union of Writers Yakub Omomoglu, focusing on the high value of the two presented books, noted that their translation into Turkish language is a visual example of fruitful cooperation between the two countries in the field of culture.

The Secretary General of the Turks Duisen Kaseynov stressed that the anniversary of the anniversary of outstanding personalities became a good tradition, thanks to which the bonds of unity and fraternity between nations are strengthened.

"A special atmosphere has given the fulfillment of the" Dombour "song by the famous musician Arslanbeck Sultantbekov and Keroglu, the young Kazakhstan artist Gainellla," added in the midst.

Saparbekules expressed sincere thanks for the support of the monument to the Municipality of Gelbashi, the honored consul of Kazakhstan in the city of Nevsehir Khalila Oloreu and Turks.

"It should be noted that the sculptor Murat Mansurov who fulfilled this work is also the author of one of the largest monuments of Keroglu in Turkey," it is reported.

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