Everything you need a gardener that grows tomatoes


Good afternoon, my reader. The cultural fertilizer mode can be changed depending on the weather, soil characteristics, plants and the period of their development. The means purchased for the denunciation of tomatoes may not be useful, but it should be borne in mind the necessary minimum of drugs that the gardener should be.

Everything you need a gardener that grows tomatoes 3513_1
Everything you need a gardener who grows Nella Tomatoes

Tomato Care (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

This soil fungus does not harm landings, over time, it destroys phytopathogenic mushrooms, provoking the development of phytoofluorosis, fusariosis and various rotors, diseases affecting the grained cultures. Such an action explains the need for means for everyone who grows tomatoes.

Everything you need a gardener that grows tomatoes 3513_2
Everything you need a gardener who grows Nella Tomatoes

Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Being in the soil, Triphoderma saturates the environment with substances that restore the soil microflora. However, the consumption of this means is large, so the processing of all the beds will have to spend a considerable amount of money.

A hay stick contributes to the formation of the most important enzymes that remove the products of the renovation decomposition.

Everything you need a gardener that grows tomatoes 3513_3
Everything you need a gardener who grows Nella Tomatoes

Tomato Processing (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

During the metabolism of the bacterium, amino acids and vitamins are made positively affecting the state of landings.

At various periods of development, tomatoes need certain chemicals. For the full life of plants, it is necessary to regularly make feeding on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is easier to fertilize tomatoes with a complex composition, which includes three components than to make elements separately.

Everything you need a gardener that grows tomatoes 3513_4
Everything you need a gardener who grows Nella Tomatoes

Undercalinking tomatoes (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Urea, superphosphates, ammonium nitrate - the most common fertilizers enriching the soil with the necessary elements. They are brought into the ground, given its characteristics, condition and stage of plant development.

Tomato Boric acid feeding helps to establish metabolism, activates chlorophyll formation, provides an root system with oxygen.

Everything you need a gardener that grows tomatoes 3513_5
Everything you need a gardener who grows Nella Tomatoes

Boric acid (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

With a lack of boron on the plant, the following symptoms appear: the veins become yellow, the leaves are deformed, blossoming scarce, the bark fuses. It is important to take action as soon as possible, otherwise you can lose the crop and destroy the plant.

Boric acid helps to cope with the disadvantage of this element, it is soaked in seeds before planting, it feeds adult plants. Parenic cultures especially need Bore, it is important not to miss feeding, and culture will thank you with an abundant harvest.

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