Born white and often lose hearing: 7 facts about Dalmatian breed dogs

Born white and often lose hearing: 7 facts about Dalmatian breed dogs 3486_1

Dalmatians are one of the most popular breeds in the world of dogs. So many interesting facts are connected with these animals that even the owners of spotted pets do not know about some of them!

Not everyone knows that Dalmatian breed dogs are born without their famous spots, and most adult individuals are experiencing problems with the health of hearing organs. More about these and other interesting facts about Dalmatinians will tell

1. Mysterious origin

There is an opinion that these dogs come from Dalmatia - region in the territory of modern Croatia. There is a theory that previously Dalmatians were used as military guards.

Born white and often lose hearing: 7 facts about Dalmatian breed dogs 3486_2

Others believe that Dalmatinians are also old as the ancient Egyptians. Rooking, in their graves you can find images of spotted dogs, pulling chariots.

2. Newborn Dalmatians do not have spots

In fact, it is one of the most interesting facts, and it corresponds to reality. Little Dalmatians have no spots, they are born completely white, and black dots appear on their bodies between the second and third week of life.

When the puppy turns a month, the stains begin to be clearly visible.

3. Spots do not need to be black

Most people think that the spots on the body of Dalmatians are only black, but it is not. On white bodies of dogs of this breed there are spots of yellow, brown, gray and even orange.

Sometimes Dalmatian may have stains of all these colors, but it depends on the color of the spots of his parents.

4. Dalmatians - Extremely active dogs

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Everyone who is going to start the pet breed Dalmatian must know in advance and understand that the real "Energy Bomb" will soon settle in his house. Puppies and adult dogs have a lot of energy. Walking with them is not two, but at least 3 times a day. Only subject to this condition, the dog will feel healthy.

5. Dalmatians often have hearing problems

Despite the lack of serious genetic problems, Dalmatians often suffer deafness. About 30% of these dogs have one or another hearing loss form, from partial loss to full deafness.

The reason for this violation lies just in their distinctive features - in stains. Spotted dogs, and especially dogs with predominantly white wool, sometimes there are not enough melanocytes - cells producing melanin.

6. No Dalmatian has the same spots in quantity and form.

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Those owners of Dalmatians who think that their dog is special, this is not mistaken!

7. Cartoon Walt Disney "101 Dalmatians" significantly hurt the breed

When the "101 Dalmatian" cartoon film was released on the screens in 1961, thousands of children demanded from their parents to give them the same friend. Many adults bought puppies, but quickly realized that the neighborhood with Dalmatian is not a fabulous story, but harsh weekdays, full of activity and trouble to care for animals.

As a result, many Dalmatians were expelled from their homes, and spotted dogs often seen awesome unattended streets.

We also offer to learn which 9 breeds of dogs perfectly get along in large families. Perhaps this is the same information about pets that will help to decide on the purchase of a small friend.

Photo licensed twenty20

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