Political scientists consider the positions of Shapshi as the Kaluga Governor are stable

Political scientists consider the positions of Shapshi as the Kaluga Governor are stable 3468_1

MINCHENKO CONSULTING COMMUNICATION HOLDING issued its ninth rating of political sustainability of heads of Russian regions in terms of the situation by March 2021. In it, Vladislav Shapsh was in the "green zone" of governors with sustainable positions, together with such "heavyweights" as Sergei Sobyanin, Ramzan Kadyrov and others.

According to the system used in this study, the Shapsh has scored 16 points. It's not so much (the maximum rating of Mikhail Razzhezhev, the head of Sevastopol, with 23 points), but allows you to stay in the "Higher Cogat".

Interesting methodology for calculating these very points. Most (up to 10 points maximum) governor gives ... Support inside the fact that the compilers of the rating are called "Politburo 2.0". For example, 5 points give direct contact with the president, 3 points - support for someone from "Members of Politburo 2.0", 2 points - support "Candidate for Politburo 2.0", etc.

Vladislav Shapshi has 4 points on this indicator. That is, according to the compilers of the rating, to personal support from the president, he is still "not Doros", but the support on the "top" is still available.

It is also important for the political sustainability of the governor, according to the authors of the rating, the presence of "large projects" under its control. Here Vladislav Valerevich is all right, no wonder our region often becomes a "pilot" for all kinds of federal initiatives.

Also, the authors of the study are important how much the managed region is economically attractive for elite groups (there is a dependency inverse - the longer the region is the region, the most likely that his governor will not "eat"), whether to also leader before the end of his authority, the presence of the governor Own "meaningful name" in the country and the quality of its political management.

With this, Vladislav Shapshi is relatively normal. The Kaluga region has an average economic attractiveness, before the election of the governor is still far away, the positioning of our chapter is not unique, but high-quality. Unless the political exchange tumbled - according to the authors of the rating, he is weak in the Kaluga region.

Of the minuses, the authors of the study treated Vladislav Valerevich some "smoldering elite conflict at the regional level." There are no conflicts at the federal level or problems with power structures in the Kaluga governor.

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