Large Novosibirsk Moms are awarded a sign of the difference "For the maternal valor"

Large Novosibirsk Moms are awarded a sign of the difference

Eleven large mothers who raised five or more children, received one of the highest and most honorable awards of the Novosibirsk region - the sign of the difference "for the maternal valor." The awards on March 4 were presented by the Deputy Governor Sergey Nelyubov and Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Region Andrei Shimkiv.

Congratulating women on behalf of the governor Andrei Trabornova, Sergey Nelyubov stressed that motherhood is noble, selfless work.

"Moms accompany us from birth, love, care about us, and this is a great destination. By tradition on the eve of March 8, we honor large mothers - women who chose a noble, but very difficult and responsible way, requiring patience, strength and self-dedication. "

Large Novosibirsk Moms are awarded a sign of the difference

More than 32 thousand Novosibirsk families raise five or more children. The regions of the region to support large families are comprehensively suitable. They pay material assistance when entering the child in the first class, upon admission to the university. Low-income families receive annual payments for children to school. Families with five or more children can get a one-time monetary pay for repairs, construction and purchase of housing.

Among those presented for awarding the difference of the difference between the maternal valor, this time - nine women with five children, two women with six children. Lands presented for award live in seven districts and urban districts of the Novosibirsk region. Of these: seven women work at the enterprises of the city and the region, two women - housewives. The age of the young mother itself is 36 years old.

Mothers, awarded the sign of the difference "for the maternal valiant," a certificate is awarded and a one-time monetary remuneration is paid in the amount of 50 thousand rubles without taking into account the income tax of individuals. A one-time monetary remuneration is transferred to the mother's account. Also women awarded the sign of the difference "for the maternal valor", compensation of expenses for the payment of residential premises and utilities are provided.

For reference

In the Novosibirsk region, registered in the social protection bodies as recipients of benefits provided for large families, consists of 32636 large families.

From 2008 since 2008, the difference between "for the maternal valor" was awarded 1165 large mothers. The sign of the difference "For the maternal valor is established by the Law of the Novosibirsk Region dated December 27, 2002 No. 85-OZ" On the awards of the Novosibirsk Region ".

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