Buying seedlings of fruit trees: how to buy a yield plant?


After buying seedlings and transplanting them into open ground, you can disappoint if the plant does not fit or not give the desired harvest. The cultivation of fruit culture takes a lot of time and effort, so the disappointment will be bitter. In order to avoid this unpleasant situation, it is necessary to accommodively approach the choice of a seedling and take into account the rules set out below when buying.

Buying seedlings of fruit trees: how to buy a yield plant? 3447_1
Buying seedlings of fruit trees: how to buy a yield plant? Maria Verbilkova

The state of the root system and the ground part is what attention should be paid when choosing a plant for landing. The first step is to determine the specific culture and its variety. Apple tree, sweet cherry, pear, plum - on the joy of gardener Choosing fruit trees wide. However, there are nuances that you should pay attention to.

Landing zone

It is important to choose the zoned varieties, it is the key to the fact that the purchased plant takes place and will be able to form fruits. Information about this in print usually provides the seller. Most seedlings from European countries do not differ in frost resistance, it is better to give preference to local representatives of the species.

Size of the future plant

Dwarf, average and low-grade varieties are suitable for gardens that own a small area. If you do not want to have overgrown areas, it is better not to acquire tall trees.

Buying seedlings of fruit trees: how to buy a yield plant? 3447_2
Buying seedlings of fruit trees: how to buy a yield plant? Maria Verbilkova

The ripening period of fruits

The most important parameters for selecting seedlings include their dates of ripening. It is recommended to give preference to early and medium-gray varieties, since late fields may not have time to form fruits if the autumn cold will be severe. It should not be chased by an indicator of high yield, this characteristic is deceptive. As a rule, it only applies to the first year, and in the next seasons the harvest will be modest.

What to pay attention to when buying a seedling of fruit culture?

When the buyer knows what he wants and what to focus on, the acquisition of the plant for landing does not take much time. Saplings need to make the following requirements:

  • The root system is in good condition, the roots are strong, do not break, they do not have dried plots.
  • The barrel of the plant is smooth, kidney strong and swelling, the leaves are absent on the saplings. To check the condition of the goods, scratch the trunk of the nail: if the layer is green, the plant is alive, if brown - died.
  • The vaccination place is noticeable, the seller does not hide him, talks about the nuances of landing and care.
  • It is better to buy a formed seedling, so you will not spend time on the forming trimming and get a crop before.
  • The plant for landing should be under 3 years old, otherwise it has a little chance of taking care.

The responsible specialist willingly respond to all your questions and will give advice and recommendations. And unwillingness to orient buyers may indicate that you are dealing with a fraudster. The conscientious seller should also have certificates for the sale of goods.

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