Orchid blooming pikes - our actions


    Good afternoon, my reader. Orchid refers to unpretentious plants. She always responds to any changes in care and shows what awaits you. In connection with this circumstance, never cut the bloom at once after the flowers originated. After some time, Falenopsis will tell you what should be taken on. There are four directions of action.

    Orchid blooming pikes - our actions 3442_1
    Orchid's flowers pikes - our actions Maria Verbilkova

    If this happened - do not worry. The plant decided to relax, he did not have forces for new flowering. And it is normal even with the most careful care. Take care and wait for the full drying of the color-point stem. Requires time to move the substances from the arrow into the flower itself to move.

    Orchid transplant hold, holding it for the base of the arrows.

    Another nuance in the care of Phalaenopsis: when watering, make sure that the water does not accumulate in the outlet. This can lead to it.

    All of these procedures are carried out with full flower drying. And if it remains green? What actions need to be taken in this case?

    Phalaenopsis is characterized by re-blossom. And if the bloomer finished blossom, but his tip remained green, then it may appear on it new buds. Only not as fast as on new shoots.

    In addition, there are not only floral, but also "sleeping" kidneys, which are called meristems on the stems of phalaenopsis. Of these, after a bunch of plants can be formed or lateral flowers, or the so-called "baby".

    Orchid blooming pikes - our actions 3442_2
    Orchid's flowers pikes - our actions Maria Verbilkova

    True, whether the repeated bloom of orchid will occur, only by her, it is known. In addition, some owners do not like the kind of stem with one or two flowers at the end. Yes, and to maintain an old escape plant will need a lot of effort and nutrients. And it could send them to the formation of young bluers.

    New twigs can grow on the old villain, but the design of a set of arrows will look heavy.

    To do this, it is necessary to carry a blurry, leaving the pencils. We use only a sharp tool that do not forget to treat any disinfectant. The cut must be sprinkled with crowded wood (activated) coal or other antiseptic. You can smear it with beeswax. It will protect your flower from various diseases. But this advice is not followed by all owners of orchids.

    We have already written about sleeping kidneys. When trimming escapes above 1 cm over such kidney there is a chance of the appearance of fresh bloom. Cut the stem above the bottom kidney. In the case of the formation of a new escape from the upper meristem, the construction of flowers will be massive. And the pot with a flower can turn over. Removal of part of the stem is carried out in the same way as described above.

    Sometimes "kids" grow on the flowers. This fact may entail the reluctance of some flower flowers to remove the old stem after flowering.

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