"It's cold - it means hotly": how to check accruals in invoices for January - video


Plus 445 rubles compared to last month. Naila Mishanina saw a fresh invoice only with us. And immediately upset. Almost 4.5 thousand for odnushku were a surprise in January. Now even more.

"For heating, a lot has come, although we really do not turn on the batteries. There are no access to the counters. They need to separately agree on a separate day, and so they automatically come and are not clear or not, "said Naila Mishanin.

Questions to the amount in the count for heating and Albina Valiullina. According to her, in comparison with last winter, the fee for housing and communal services grew by one and a half thousand rubles. In January I had to save and mourge.

"Batteries on an asterisk put. Just turn on there, in the hall or in the nursery. If it were not, in general, the big amount would be. Houses cold. In woolen socks go. - For one apparently a big amount, right? "Yes, a big amount for one, I don't know where the amounts are", "Albina Valullina said.

In the settlement centers are empty. Until. Only civil service users received bills. A week later, it seems that there will be an excitement again, as a month ago. In management companies, still, foam on the weather.

"Depending on the air temperature, consumption is consumed one. It is clear that December and January were cold and one significant, but we cannot freeze either the entrances, "the Deputy Director of the Criminal Code" RSK "and" Housing Fund "Aidar Aminov said.

And so, all the Criminal Code of New Houses is most often referred to the weather regulation nodes. Where there are no sensors, the cause of high payments is called just their absence. It turns out a vicious circle. Employed with time law enforcement officers. For example, in Naberezhnye Chelny, the prosecutor's office forced to recalculate three management companies at once. So to double-check the correctness of the accrual will definitely not be.

"First of all, contact the Director of the Management Organization and make it necessary in writing. Get a written answer and if he does not suit you, then contact this in the housing inspection, in the supervisory authority. Then we will have grounds for verification, "Sergey Krinov said the head of the State Housing Inspection of Tatarstan.

And she should already show why the bills are hot and only the weather is to blame for it.

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