Everyone talks about BTS and the lead that compared them with COVID-19. What happened

Everyone talks about BTS and the lead that compared them with COVID-19. What happened 3421_1

Recently, the German radio station Bayern3 published an apology statement after one of their leading, Matthias Matyob, lived on the popular Korean BTS group with coronavirus.

On his radio show, the mother criticized the recent Caver group on the Coldplay - Fix You, which sounded on MTV Unplugged. The presenter called him a "catastrophe" and "blasphemy."

"Dear teenagers who are now listening to me: Please do not be offended. - He said the lead - but in my opinion, BTS is ... Let's just say that BTS is like SARS. "

"This is an abbreviation of some terrible virus, from which we hope we will soon get a vaccine."

Matusik added that "nothing has nothing against South Korea" and that it cannot be called Xenophobes because he owns the South Korean car. According to Teen Vogue, in the photo from his already remote Instagram page, was Daihatsu Copen, made in Japan.

"These small assholes boasted their camp to" Fix You ". For him, they need to be sent to 20-year holidays in North Korea. "

His words did not remain unnoticed. At the statements of the Matuxer immediately responded by their militia fans of BTS, they are Army. In just a few hours of hashtegi # Bayern3Racist and # RassismusbeiBayern3 began to gain popularity around the world - along with the calls to attract a man to justice.

In particular, many called racist comparison of the Asian performers with Coronavirus: especially against the background of the alarming growth of violent hate crimes against persons of Asian origin.

In the US, STOP AAPI HATE received 2808 reports on such incidents across the country from March 18 to December 31, 2020. Many are associated with the frequent attacks with the racist rhetoric rhetoric of the former President Donald Trump, which was often called the COVID-19 "Chinese virus".

After the wave of criticism, Bayern3 issued a statement in which "officially apologized" for the statements of Matushik, adding that he was "missed", expressing an "exaggerated" opinion about BTS and their cable.

The station stated that the presenter tried to "express his opinion in an ironically exaggerated manner", while "without thinking the choice of words and, thus, insulting the feelings of BTS fans."

In a statement for Buzzfeed Germany, the mother also said that the nationality of the group "does not matter for him" and that he would also be upset if the German group performed a song as the famous Korean Boyz-Bend did.

He added that "underestimated the huge fan potential, hidden in three letters [BTS]," and accused Army - which he described as "fanatical followers of a musical ATM" - in distorting his original words to accuse Rasism.

It is worth saying that these apologies did not suit the social network users.

"[Mothers] No one bothers to love the music he wants, but, expressing his opinion, he crossed the feature of xenophobia and racism," he wrote one fan on Twitter.

"There is a huge difference between freedom of speech and hatred language," added another.

In additional statements posted on the radio station website, and Bayern3, and the mative once again brought "sincere apologies" for his "unacceptable" words.

"If many people consider applications off with offensive or racist, then it is," said representatives of Bayern3.

"First of all, I was annoyed by what Bond BTS made a Caver on the song" Fix You "team Coldplay, which I really admire. - Mother added - the nationality of seven guys does not matter. The mention of it and, therefore, the creation of the Association with the virus was completely wrong. "

"I made a huge mistake from which I will make conclusions. I'm sorry".

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