Well, what do you tell about ... Sashhea? Continued. Meetings, episodes

Well, what do you tell about ... Sashhea? Continued. Meetings, episodes 3399_1
Well, what do you tell about ... Sashhea? Photo: Depositphotos.

When you live away from the historic homeland, everything that concerns Russia, the Union, touches, especially if there are living people who have had some attitude towards Russia.

Veteran Korvoev

For more than 2 years ago, I met a veteran of Anglo-American convoys in Murmansk. High and very modest comrade. He brought me to show the anniversary medal of 50 years of victory and a premium document, signed by B. Yeltsin. The medal came from the embassy in Washington with a big delay, but it was necessary to see how touching he cherished it, as glad.

Most recently, in the summer, he declared with a new business. The efforts of one of the secondary schools of Murmansk was published by a colorful album in Russian with memories of American convoy veterans already to the 55th anniversary of Victory. Richard asked me to make a translation into English memories of one veteran (not it).

Transferred again the Son, and I rewrote from the monitor and gave the managers in case Richard comes without me. When he came, the translation was lost, I took the postal address of the veteran, again rewrote from the monitor almost 2 pages and sent by mail. Memories are very funny: as a young guy gained an age to get to the fleet, as they met them in Murmansk.

Radio amateur

On the tank-yard it works silent, gray, elderly Tim. Once he gave me a Ukrainian banknote in 10 hryvnia. And not so long ago gave a postcard of 50 years of the Union (1922 - 1972) with the call sign of his correspondent from ... Konotop named Oleg from 1974. Tim, as it were, personifies a concentrated, laconic radar, which is characteristic of them.

Well, what do you tell about ... Sashhea? Continued. Meetings, episodes 3399_2
D. ZUSKOV, Sketch of postcards "50 years of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", 1972 Photo: Source

I write these etudes from the idea that the informal attitude of Americans to the Russians is quite good if they are raised to higher levels of communication? I noticed that the Americans are very positive about other nations. It seems they think like this: "Yeah, he is a Chinese, works fine. Okay, let it work. " Also to others, including Mexicans.

Facility with Poltava region

Also 2 years ago in the market there were two Ukrainians of secondary growth and age. They stopped somewhere near and came to send a translation on West Union. I called me like a translator. Somehow, as I handed it, what they say in Russian and why came. They sent money and left.

After some time, I'm calling for help. It turns out that they forgot the documents and I have to call them, so that they take the passports, as I was told. "Passport" turned out to be a "certificate of driving right ... tractor." They arrived by car, and I learned something from them.

In Poltava region they have everything in order: the house, family. But the wind wanderings called them to try happiness in the United States. In New York, they worked in the Russian brigade of builders and decided to go south. But they didn't like it, there are no Russian brigades, and they return back.

I was happy for my blood brothers that they were with such a "passport" in America. Perhaps they had more serious documents, but for the West Union they chose a certificate. When I told the managers that they had for "passports," they laughed just like me.

Triumpa moment

Somehow recently, on Monday in the morning, when the sale of "slow", a familiar already Fielding as a manager of the hall instructed me to clean the rather shapled email. Disabled courts. The proposed grazing did not remove the touch traces of the shoes. But "I had a move in my reserve" - ​​sand, red clay from a slide on the back parking. I cleaned the gray cortex housings to the pristine purity. This impressed.

Fielding called to look at the effect of one cashier and the brigadier, too, a woman. They lined up in a row before the court, and Fielding invited me to honor. They met me with applause as the winner of the competition or the laureate. It was very funny, and I tried to translate the conversation to another.

"You will not believe!"

... but I lit up on top of the local TV! At the beginning of the career (for about 3 years), the chief (boss) rushed to show me on TV. I could not refuse the boss. He warned that I remember who I imagine. No problem.

By his call at the appointed time, the correspondent was the famous news lead, and an assistant operator. At first, the chef said several good words about me, they say, does not know the language, but tries, smiles well and all that. Then they chose the first customers, an old man and an old woman from the ticket office, and went to Planer.

The operator was fivefolded by the ass, the assistant kept the microphone, and I was in a strike like Ostap Bender. "In pure English" I said that I like when buyers come to the store with children, that I love children, but it could be understood as: "I like that buyers come to the store to buy children." Over this "inaccuracy" was particularly played by our son-in-law.

Connoisseurs can calculate this game with C and buy. But everything cost. The issue fell, as I say to the correspondent, that he is a real American correspondent, as I imagine them.

The effect exceeded expectations, by year and a half I became a TV star. I did not expect that the canal looks so many people: I was welcomed, approved and encouraged. Thank God, now it got easy, very rarely remind me that they saw on TV.

I apologize for personal indiscretion, but for the "prose of life" than you will not sacrifice ...

Author - Sergey Dmitriev

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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