Being a presidential candidate, Biden promised to support the resolution on recognition of the Armenian Genocide - Blinken

Being a presidential candidate, Biden promised to support the resolution on recognition of the Armenian Genocide - Blinken 3330_1

The candidate for the post of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirmed the promise of the elected President Joe Bayden to support the resolution on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and the fact that the new administration will consult with the Congress relate to the formulation of its application in connection with April 24. Bibinsen announced this in response to the written issues of Senator Ed Mark, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reports. The President of the United States on April 24, on the day of the commemoration of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, turn to the Armenian people with the words of sympathy and support. However, the term "genocide" in these appeals is replaced by the wording of the "massacre", "pogroms", "Great Tragedy", "Metz Henger".

The question of the senator will be officially recognized by the Crime Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenian People, Blinken noted that, being a presidential candidate, Biden in his statement dedicated to the Day of Memory, promised to support the resolution on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. "Our administration will focus Priority attention to human rights and prevent the repetition of such a tragedy. After the entry into position, the administration will define the wording of the statement of the White House on the occasion of the day of memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and will hold consultations with the Congress on this important issue, "he said. In response to the name of the Senator about what steps will be made by the Administration to ensure the immediate return of prisoners of war, Hold by Azerbaijan after the terminated war, Blinken reminded the president's words that the United States should lead diplomatic efforts to find a solid conflict resolution, working with European partners, including promoting the return of prisoners of war. "In case of confirmation (as a Secretary of State), I activate the US participation in The search for the final settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which will ensure the safety of Nagorno-Karabakh and will help prevent a new war. This includes the activation of our interaction through the Minsk Group, the co-chair of which is the United States, and additional diplomatic work to prevent any further intervention from third parties, "he stressed.

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