Evening Novostroy.ru: Greenpeace struggles with radiation in Moscow, citizens lack money for rent, offices will redo the apartments


One of the main news of the day - unclaimed office premises in Moscow want to remake in apart-complexes. Experts told how much lots will cost them. Also, a new round was launched today in the conflict of ecologists with the Moscow Mayor, building southeastern chord on the lands, where radioactive waste was previously stored. Read about it and other news in the digest of February 5.

Rental market crisis. The demand for rental housing in the capital for the end of January fell by 15% compared with the same month of the 2020. Citizens more often began to rent apartments, the popularity of joint hiring increased by 12%, analysts of the Inkom-Real Estate Agency say. The crisis situation in the labor market and the decline in the incomes of citizens, people who returned to the capital after a pandemic are forced to rent housing with several people.

Husnullin intervened. The problem with the commissioning of LCD "Filatov meads", located next to Vnukovo airport in New Moscow, should be solved by the summer of this year, said the Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin. "Complained a meeting on the sub-produce territories. Separately reviewed the problem on this LCD. Now Rosaviatsia is working to install new locators, whose installation will solve the problem. I put the task to work at an accelerated pace, so that in the summer people could come to their homes, "wrote Husnullin on his page in Instagram.

Recall the LCD "Filatov Luga" was completed back in October 2019. But due to court proceedings with Rosavia formation, the house cannot be commissioned. Rosaviatsiya is trying to withdraw its own coordination for the construction of the LCD, which was issued by Developer back in 2017. The reason for the revision of the previous decision was the technical parameters of the complex associated with the influence of flights.

Radioactive highway. A statement of the Russian GreenPeace branch was transferred to the Moscow City Court. Environmentalists are asked to recognize illegal to the positive conclusion of the State Expertization for the construction of southeastern chords. Recall, the highway want to build in the Kolomenskoye Park area near the Moscow Plant Polymetals. In the middle of the last century, the waste of uranium and thorium ores stored there, environmentalists believe that radioactive dust will fall into the air and water. The mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin promised to reclaim the radioactive plot, however, the social activists are confident that if waste is raised - it will only aggravate the situation.

Apartments instead of offices. The premises remaining without tenants due to the pandemic will be redone to the apartments, the specialists of the RRG commercial real estate agency are approved.

"The practice of translating unclaimed office space in the apartment is known since 2014-2015. When, after the next crisis in the real estate market, there were free several rather large complete and unfinished office centers, which were redone in the IFC. In such centers, unlike hotel complexes of the apartment, there is no possibility to receive registration at the place of stay for 5 years. The average price of a square meter in such complexes will be 10-15% lower than in apart-projects with the best quality parameters, "comments the analysts of the Real Estate Agency" Bon Ton ".

Less problemful - fewer problems. The Protection Rights Protection Fund proposed to change the system of accounting for problematic houses: to exclude objects from the register for which there are no demands of deceived shareholders. Thus, developers of long-distance workers will be able to continue selling apartments, and the proceeds will go to the completion of the project. Today, if the object is recognized as problematic, selling premises in it stops. As explained in the Protection Rights Fund, buyers of apartments from innovation will not suffer, since all apartments in new LCD are sold using Escrow accounts. If the developer go bankrupt, the client will be able to return the money.

Evening Novostroy.ru: Greenpeace struggles with radiation in Moscow, citizens lack money for rent, offices will redo the apartments 3286_1
The demand for rental housing in the capital in January fell by 15%

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