"For 30 years I meet Christmas one." The touching story of Ivanna blew about faith, love for homeland and loneliness


Christmas - Family holiday. In our country, this day belongs to a special trepidation: the observance of the post, a festive liturgy in the temple, Christmas traditions and carols. This is a holiday that adults and children are waiting, this is a reason to gather in the same house of relatives and loved ones, it is laughter and fun. Unfortunately, due to high migration, not all in Moldova meet this holiday in the circle of relatives. Editorial Laf.md prepared for you a history of a 72-year-old resident of the village of Kongaz Ivanna Dul, which for 30 years old is holding one. Consolation She finds in Orthodoxy, in the temple, where she often walks, praises for their children and others.

Posted by Marina Nikolaev

30 years of solitude

Through the entire courtyard to me towards me with a cane goes a low growth grandmother. She drives the dog so that I could go to her house. The room smells like a fragrant incense. The windowsill is filled with icons, on the shelf Orthodox books. She promotes a wooden chair to me, sits on his small sofa opposite me.

"Only the stove flooded, now it becomes warmer," she says to me, stretching the bedroom slippers so that the legs do not frills. "I know your mother, a grandmother, we went to pilgrimage to the pilgrimage," she quickly proven, without giving me the opportunity to start the dialogue first.

Photo: Konstantin Michna

"My husband died 30 years ago. Children left for north, to live in Russia. I have three sons, at first I left the middle, then the work was turned up for the older, and then I took the younger there, "says Ivanna, holding back tears.

According to her, children come once a year. Repair the house helps and leave. "I stay completely alone again. Well, no, not alone - Christ and Mother of God with me. They have salvation and consolation, "adds grandmother.

At that moment she is slowly baptized by turning his body to icons standing in front of me.

Photo: Konstantin Michna
Photo: Konstantin Michna

To the question, it is difficult if to cope with the household cases of one, Ivanna responds that it is accustomed to independence.

"When the legs hurt very much, I ask the neighbors to buy products. I try to cope with homemade troubles, and then I go to church. It is hard to walk, but still go. For 10 years in a row every month I go through the monasteries. At first, she offered her neighbors, familiar, then other women were interested in the village, call. So my organizational activity began, "she smiles.

Ivanna recalls that you need to throw firewood into the oven. I suggest my help, but in response a decisive failure. Granny slowly rises from the bed, she does not touch the cane. Based on the walls, comes out of the room, looking for a switch in the dark. The firewood is comfortably folded in her shed, they don't need to go far behind them - everything is at hand.

Photo: Konstantin Michna

Photo: Konstantin Michna

Photo: Konstantin Michna

"In our youth everything was different."

According to Grandma, before Christmas was noted more interesting, and the youth was looking forward to this holiday.

"Since mid-December, until the very holiday of Christmas, we were going with rural girls, satisfied the sites (Perdanka). They sat in the room around the lamp and sewed, then the guys came, looked through the window. When the resolution was obtained, came, sitting on a long chair, which was set specifically for them. If they planned to collage, sang christmas songs, "the grandmother Ivanna smiles again.

Photo: Konstantin Michna

With a special trepidation, she approaches the story of the times of his youth, about how the unmarried girl was preparing a flower (turkey) to give the guy you like, during the ranks.

"Chants very beautifully sang. These were adults unmarried guys, with a beautiful voice chamber. When the carols sang, they sounded nicely, it was nice to listen - not that now: quarre all who are not too lazy and sing is not so beautiful. Here everything was different in our youth, then it was better, "says Grandma.

Photo: Konstantin Michna

Christmas cookies for christmas

Now Ivanna for Christmas a lot of dishes does not prepare, as is customary in our region.

"Big table cover to the old new year - a nephew comes to Congitate. For them, it is usually in the oven prepare a bird, cutlets, vinegret cut, the keeper cook. Thank God everything is, there is, than to treat guests, "she says.

Grandma returns to the memories since childhood, saying that then Christmas celebrated more largely.

"Parents cut a pig, prepared homemade sausage, keel. A variety of dishes were on the table, did not buy anything - everything is homemade, natural. Brynza was, pickles, wine in the cellar - what else is needed. We constantly had guests: Kumany came, relatives. I loved this time, it was fun and interesting in the circle of relatives, "says Ivanna.

Photo: Konstantin Michna

One of the brightest memories of the time, according to grandmother is the preparation of homemade cookies. It was manufactured using a special typewriter.

"Thank God - bypass"

Our conversation continues for more than an hour. Feeling the openness of the grandmother, I decided to ask why the children did not take her to live in Russia?

"For 30 years, how they live there. Help me all, but there is no one. I am boring, of course, one in the four walls, but nothing to do. I was visiting them: Three days were driving the train, finally saw how they live. The eldest son was glad that I finally can see what they had achieved, their work and sweat. Each of my sons has a good beautiful apartment, the refrigerators are large, size with the doorway, filled with everything that your heart. But I can't live in someone else's house, "explains Ivanna.

Photo: Konstantin Michna

She recalls how she stayed a month and a half in children away, but missed his homeland. Then the eldest son bought a ticket back.

"I remember it was 11 pm, when I crossed the threshold of the house. I got a bucket of water from the well, sausage from my bag, pickles from the cellar - that was then told about myself: thank God, arable. "

She explains that children also miss their homeland, want to go home. In Russia, it is cold, and here is warm.

"I don't want much from life. I ask the God of the world, and that my sons, grandchildren come to visit. But every day I think, how much. "

To distract from the sad thoughts, Ivanna tries to be in motion all the time. In the village of Kongaz Ivanna, the dala is known as a very religious person who does not miss Liturgy in the Church, organizes trips to Moldova monasteries for those who want.

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