Chinese cars entered the lists of world bestsellers

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The process of clarifying global sales statistics in 2020, the Focus2move portal has published ratings in various classes, and it turned out that in the tops of world bestsellers, the car market entered several Chinese models at once. What Chinese cars fled in global regulatal ratings?


The strongest positions at the Middle Festival Auto industry in the class of minivans. World leadership in the number of sales is already far from the first season holds Wuling Hongguang - for 2020, 270,310 units of this MPV sold, the share of the model market is 6.6%.

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Wuling Hongguang with its realizations almost doublely surpassed its nearest pursuer in the class of "American" Buick GL8, raised by three lines in the ranking with 156 879 sold cars (share 3.9%). However, the "American" this is very and very conditional - the brand of the overseas, and the plant is Chinese. And the sale is also Chinese.

The success of the Wuling brand is not limited to world leadership in the MPV segment, the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV model ranked 8th in the Global Top 10 Class Auto Class with a result of 119 255 Sales Auto.

Great Wall and Haval

Impressive results in season 2020 demonstrated the Great Wall Motors Corporation as a whole and, in particular, the HAVAL brand, which at the end of the year even changed its positioning - now he is not "SUV brand number 1 in China", and the SUV expert brand of a global scale: Global Intelligent SUV Expert.

Perhaps this was influenced by the success of the Bestseller brand Haval H6, which rose in the world ranking to 4 positions and in the 2020 season 2020 took the 5th place in the list of popularity. That is, entered the top 5 most successful SUV planets with an annual sales volume of 382,899 cars. And overtook in global sales of tops of tops of tops as Nissan Qashqai, Kia Sportage, Mazda CX-5 ...

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He entered the top ten of the strongest pickups of the world market Great Wall Wingle 5 - he is in the ninth place. According to the Focus2move of this representative of the "Podnebyny" auto industry purchased 129,209 people, which allowed him to rise by 3 steps in the ranking. In various markets, Great Wall cars can be sold under different names. For example, according to the manufacturer's manufacturer, the most successful model of the brand in 2020, they consider the GWM POER pickup.


The Geely brand, as well as the above representatives of the Pension Auto industry, was noted in 2020 by double hit in the top ten. In the class "coupe" on 6 lines of global top-10 between Porshe 911 and Chevrolet Corvette, there is a Geely XingYue Star with a sales volume of 25,345 units and a segment in a segment of 3.8%.

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And immediately at 6 positions improved its rating in the CD Geely Emgrand EC7, which in the world in the world purchased 234,499 people. And which with a fraction of 2.3% is located on the ninth line of the top.


And completes the list of the most successful cars of Chinese brands, following the world sales of the bestsellers included in the top 10, representative of the representative class Dongfeng Aeolus Hyun with 40,964 by the year by cars, a segment in a segment of 2.3% and ninth place in the global ranking 2020.

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Brief analysis

What is the foundation of such a high position of Chinese cars in world rankings? Of course, it is crucial that the inner Chinese car market is the largest in the world, and the lion's share of the sale of Chinese cars falls on him.

According to the results of global sales, 2020 China confirmed the status of the largest car market of the world with a share of world auto selling about 35% (sold 25.311 million cars according to the Chinese Association of Automakers (CAAM)). Last year, the global car market decreased by 14%, the Chinese is much smaller (a drop from 4 to 8% according to various data). That is, the ratio of cars sold in China to global sales has increased.

At the same time, 2020 sales of passenger cars of Chinese brands in the domestic market amounted to 7.749 million - only 38% of the total sales of passenger cars, and their share decreased by 1% compared to the same period last year (according to SAAM)).

Exports left 1.082 million vehicles, which is 13.2% less than a year earlier. And all the Chinese automakers that have noted in the world top-10 (with the exception of Wuling) are included in the top ten of China's largest autoexports.

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In particular, Great Wall Motors Corporation (including the HAVAL brand) in 2020 outside China sold 70,110 cars with an increase of 8% year by year. In addition to China, GWM sells its cars to more than 60 world markets. And in January 2021, all brands of the holding already sold 139,012 cars, while the growth of export deliveries of corporation products by 147% was noted.

Geely AUTO is the most selling Chinese brand in the world - in 2020 exported 72,700 cars, which is 25.3% more than a year earlier. And in the first month of this year, the volume of exports of the Group grew more than three times compared to the same period last year to 10,031 units.

That is, not only the domestic market in 2020 the success of Chinese cars. And, judging by the Trends of January, the confined auto industry has already fully recovered from the loss of the difficult previous year and intends to actively restore the world market.

Photo GWM, Wuling, Geely, DFM

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