Drivers from the Russian Federation listed 12 reasons for the failure of a car washing


Why do not wash the car: the magazine "driving" led 12 diverse "excuses" of Russian drivers.

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The first argument is not to wash the car - "does not affect the speed." Immediately let's say that this is a delusion. It is very affected - dirty cars more often than others attract the attention of DPS officers who have been checking documents for a long time. And many drivers celebrate: I left the washing - and the feeling that the car "flew" is right away. Jokes jokes, but in the famous TV shows with destroyers the legends sounded such information: a dirty car drove on one fuel litter 9.6 kilometers, and clean - 10.56 kilometers.

The second argument in order not to wash the cars - "Parking under the tree: wash it is useless." But it is worth remembering that the bird's litter is harmful to paintwork - it is definitely. It contains in itself ammonia, ammonium, particles of fatty acids, sulfuric discharge and many other substances that can destroy even the most durable automotive paint.

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Some drivers really think that "dirt is a protective layer", able to protect the paint coating of the car from reagents and rubble. This is another argument in favor of "dirtwork". However, few people think about chemical reactions passing in the contact area of ​​urban dirt with the body, not only do not protect it, but also destroy the car body.

Another weighty argument, so as not to wash the car - "Camera video will not see the numbers." With this you can agree, the state person from behind the mud will become unreadable for cameras. But at the same time, many drivers forget that riding with unreadable numbers is a direct violation of traffic rules and punishes the fine.

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"The general allowed not to wash" - such an excuse can also be heard. It means that the punishment for a dirty car in Russia is not provided. This was confirmed by the main traffic cop of the country, General Chernikov. Exception - unreadable state leaders and contaminated lighting. The penalty in both cases is the same - 500 rubles.

Among other excuses that drivers are most often used to not wash the car, you can hear "sorry for money", "no time", "in the yard do not scratch", "there is no one to wash", "no scratch", "less likely that Run or hijaculate ", as well as the" clean will be the first half an hour. "

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Previously, car owners in Russia listed the conditions for returning the car to the salon. So, a car, like any product, can be returned to the car dealership according to the Consumer Rights Act, but there are several nuances here, because the car belongs to technically complex goods. At the same time, it is possible to return even a used car, proving that one or another breakdown was even before the sale of a vehicle.

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