Anxious thoughts: 7 ways to cope with constant anxiety


Thoughts constantly fill each of us. And depending on individual characteristics or external circumstances, these thoughts may be of a different nature.

Today we will talk about the alarming thoughts and the best ways to combat them. These uncomplicated rules can be carried out to everyone to ensure that the level of anxiety becomes noticeably lower, and life is much happier.

Breathing exercises

One of the easiest ways to reduce the internal voltage is breathing exercises. Still since childhood they know that slow breaths and exhalations help calm down in a difficult situation.

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The more pumped version is different meditations. In this process, not only breathing is controlled, but the mental process itself.

It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position or look for complete silence. You can turn off the consciousness for a couple of minutes right behind the desktop or in any secluded place.

Concentration at the moment

Anxiety thoughts rarely concern current affairs. Usually they are facing the future or are associated with the past.

Fear in front of an unknown or constant experience of past situations generates anxiety that raises rapidly.

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In order to stop this rolling snow from a snowball mountain, you need to pay your attention to current affairs. What is happening around and what your nearest plans. If they are nice - you need to try to focus on them. If there are some uncomfortable moments, it is worth solving a real situation.

Anxiety is moving when real actions appear.

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Switching attention

Practice option from the previous point, but in another form. If nothing really can not be done to eliminate the cause of anxiety, then you need to distract something else.

Perfect option - walking or sport. Sitting around the park, you will notice that most of the thoughts just weathered from the head! The body will begin to be distracted by real sensations, and anxiety will go to the background.

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If there is no time and mood for sports, you can distract anything. Hobbies, communication with loved ones, guidance of the order of the house or banal movie view.

The main thing is not to abuse with such methods and work in parallel to find out the nature of anxiety.

Questions to yourself

It is from this that the obligatory "analysis of flights" begins, because no one can analyze the person more frankly than he himself.

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Do not lie to yourself and be afraid to look at the truth. Anxiety needs to be disappeared and only regular reflection is capable of it. Learn to recognize what exactly the cause of the alarming state and generates restless thoughts.

Knowing the reasons for their reactions, it will not be so difficult to do their elimination.

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Thoughts about past disturbing states

In especially critical moments, it is worth reminding yourself that the alarming thoughts appear regularly. Remember other such cases and think whether the worst of the invented scenarios came true.

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Most often, anxiety does not end in anything and no catastrophe occurs. This will probably be this time, and, it means that you need to calm yourself with all possible ways.

Communication with close to disturbing topics

One of the most effective ways to remove unwanted thoughts from the head - share them with someone.

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This does not mean that it is worth constantly complaining about life and shift anxiety to others. But it will be clear and honestly to tell about your fears. It is best to discuss similar topics with loved ones that can not only listen to, but also help to change the angle of view on the situation.

Hike to psychologist

If it cope independently does not go out, then you need to think about the campaign to the psychologist. This culture only is born, but she gains popularity with a very large pace.

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Today there are many specialists even in online format. To find a suitable psychologist, you may need time and several attempts.

But a good specialist quickly and comfortably will help decompose thoughts on the shelves in the head and come to an agreement with himself.

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Do you often visit disturbing thoughts? Share your ways to fight take off in the comments!

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