Aeroflot denied the message about the appearance of the tariff without a guarantee of the flight

Aeroflot denied the message about the appearance of the tariff without a guarantee of the flight 3217_1

This morning in the "Vedomosti" there was an interesting message that Aeroflot was going to sell tickets that do not guarantee that you crawl exactly when they were going.

"Proposal to introduce a tariff in Russia, in which the air carrier will be able to transplant the passenger on another, earlier or late, similar flight, Aeroflot to the President of the Association of Air Transport Operators (it includes the largest airlines of the country) Vladimir Tasun on February 11. The offer is issued in the form of a draft federal law on amending the Air Code and Aviation Rules, "published the publication with reference to the document available.

As experts commented on "Vedomosti", this is the legalization of overbooking: when all the ticket served as a flight (110% of tickets are usually sold), you have to transfer someone to another flight.

It would be possible to think that such tickets would cost significantly cheaper, but the same "Aeroflot" explains: such a reception will reduce the price by 2%.

The representative of the airline Mikhail Demin denied information on the introduction of the tariff, however, confirmed that such a discussion was.

"At the moment, this initiative is not considered at the current agenda. It was worked out during the pandemic period as one of the initiatives to give the passengers of greater confidence in periods of mass change in schedule, possible changes in aircraft types, uncertainty with the timing of restrictions, "the" Vedomosti "of Demin.

In the Ministry of Transport, the publication was told that they were not going to consider this proposal to fully restore flights, but also did not deny the existence of such an initiative.

For passengers, such tickets would be interesting only if they were significantly cheaper than standard tickets in the same direction. Let's say a ticket to the sea to Europe, which is now worth 40 thousand rubles, it is much more pleasant to buy for 5 thousand, and then, of course, transfer the dates and routes how much you want, you can adjust. But it's not about to buy a ticket for 40 thousand, and for 39 thousand and to embrace from your vacation schedule and rental housing - it will not like it to anyone.


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