New episodes of the series Sergey Minaeva "Ninety" will talk about the elections of 1996

New episodes of the series Sergey Minaeva

At the beginning of 2021, the premiere of the documentary project "Ninety" writer and journalist Sergei Minaev was held. The first two series, which received record numbers views on services among other documentaries, told the history of the album "Sea" group of Mumiy Troll and the nightlife of Russia in the 90s.

The three next series of Documentary draft Sergei Minieva will be devoted to one of the most important events of the post-Soviet Russia, which occurred 25 years ago - the 1996 presidential election. The first of the three episodes will take place on March 19 in online services More.TV and WINK.

Sergey Minaev, the author of the project: "There are events that change the course of history. Elections in 1996 - just from such. I was lucky to watch them twice: once as a member, the second time - when creating this film. "

While working on new series was taken more than 30 interviews from direct participants of the events, including Tatiana and Valentin Yumashev, Konstantin Ernst, Anatoly Chubais, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Korzhakov, Alexey Venediktov and many others.

For the first time, politicians, economists, political technologists, who participated in the election race, both from the Yeltsin team and on the part of other candidates, tell sensational details about how the campaign was financed and what technologies were applied to fight votes. In addition, an exclusive interview for the film was given a direct participant in the famous "case about a box from the poker" Arkady Evstafyev.

How did Boris Yeltsin and Gennady Zyugan approached their election campaigns? What was the alignment of political forces? Why, despite the support of most media, the best political technologists and the Money "Sevenbank, Yeltsin could not be defeated in the first round, and what price was the victory in the second? Was it falsified, and how would the history of Russia be, if the Zyuganov won?

The election of 1996 left after themselves a lot of ethical, political and professional issues, the answers to which historians, political scientists and journalists continue to seek to this day.

The multiserial anthology film, which comes out in the More Originals line, is created by the Line UP studio and its founders by the producers by Danila Sharapov (Mediaslovo) and Dmitry Litvinov (Planeta Inform).

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