Morning Digest KN: Inviting Ilona Mask in Kaluga, burning Castle of Crown-Grooms and two new coronavirus deaths

Morning Digest KN: Inviting Ilona Mask in Kaluga, burning Castle of Crown-Grooms and two new coronavirus deaths 3164_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

Kaluga Governor again invited Ilona Mask in Kaluga

Vladislav Shapshu again invited Ilona Mask to Kaluga. The inventor and the founder of Spacex are waiting at the opening of the second stage of the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after Tsiolkovsky and the holiday in Kaluga in honor of the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space.

Invitation mask placed in the social network Twitter, in the profile of the regional development agency of the Kaluga region. This is the second invitation for the inventor, the first governor voiced in July last year, during the visit of the Minister of Culture of Russia Olga Lyubimovova.

Mask until the invitation answered.

A resident of Kaluga and a resident of Obninsk became new victims of coronavirus

In the Kaluga Operational Headquarters for Combating Coronavirus Today, March 13, reported two new cases of fatal outcome in the region.

"Two new confirmed cases: a resident of Obninsk born in 1946 and a resident of Kaluga is born in 1957," they told in the Overseas.

The total number of deaths of patients with Caid in the Kaluga region reached 274.

In the Kaluga region, they will coordinate the cruel killer from the sawmills

In the Kaluga region will coordinate a cruel killer from the sawmills.

In January of this year, a corpse of a 38-year-old man was discovered in the village of Kaluga Region in the village of Piloram, who worked there.

It is reported that a 35-year-old resident of the village of Peremysl was involved in the murder. According to investigators, a man together with the died in a state of alcoholic intoxication was on the siloram and between them there was a household conflict.

The accused of his hands and legs, shovel into boots, beat the lying victim over his head and neck, and also inflicted many blows with hands and legs on the body and other parts of the body of the deceased. As a result, the closed cranial and brain injury was caused, from which he died at the scene, and other bodily harm.

The prosecutor's office of the Promolent region approved the indictment, the criminal case was aimed at consideration on the merits of the Kozelsky District Court, reported on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.

The maximum punishment that threatens a man is imprisonment for a period of up to 15 years with a limitation of freedom for up to two years.

In Nikola-Lyivzstan near Kaluga burned a huge Corona Corona Castle

Today, March 13, in the art park "Nikola-Lenizen" under Kaluga burned a huge Corona Corona Castle.

As previously stated, on the carnival in the art space, instead of the traditional stuffed, they decided to burn a huge, 24-meter, design from the vine, similar to giant ampoules or a crown-canonian castle. According to the author of the art facility, the artist Nikolai Polissky, thus symbolically planned to vaccinate the world from all diseases and say goodbye to the coronavirus epidemic.

The fire has swallowed the design and for this action there was a huge number of people, like those who were attended by Art Park and those who watched TASS broadcast.

Photo: TASS Broadcast

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