"How to cope with the influx of panic?": Podolskaya is seriously afraid of a little son.


Spouse Vladimir

Shared S.

fears about your second child. Natalia Podolskaya plans to return to work already at the end of February and worrying that it will have to regularly part with his infant for the whole day.

Natalia Podolskaya with younger son Wanney, photo: instagram.com/nataliapodolskaya

The singer said that in her absence, a grandmother and a nanny would look after Vanechka, and she completely trusts, and still Podolskaya is very worried about how the kid will take separation with her mother.

Anticipating non-crumbling tips, Natalia stressed that he loves his work very much and is not going to be sitting on the decree.

"I am sure that any person without a gender sign, must be implemented in all spheres of life! This gives fullness, harmony and happiness. Just let's go without a comment from the Sydi series at home - a child. People should work to make money including ? on their lives, "

- said celebrity.

maria.bogat And you need to care if you are so few more careful? What will you lose if you wanted with him normally at least a year? Such long abuse you seem to be punished for something

marina_aliakseeva Where does the job go from you? Work and child ... Well, like a woman who quite recently gave birth, a desire to run to work, and not to build and strengthen the spiritual invisible connection with the newborn. Situations are different in humans and often just missing money, so women come out earlier. But you have everything, and the work will never go anywhere, the main thing is that the desire to work does not fade.



However, some subscribers were not kept from the condemnation of Podolskaya and wrote in open, that Natalia, there is definitely no need to go to work so early, especially since it is restless for the kid.

In any case, the decision to return to the scene will take Podolskaya itself. She at least there is a voice and it is considered a good singer, unlike the same Buzova, which recently disgraced, sakes live.

Alla Pugacheva has long been expressed about the geviously modern "stars", and Olga did not stay aside and answered Primadonna.

However, not only Buzova, but also the mastic stars of pop. Such began to notice for Vladimir Kuzmin himself. They say artist is not healthy.

Is Podolskaya right, what seeks to go to work 4 months after childbirth? Write in the comments.

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