What to please the woman on March 8? What to give your favorite woman?: Top 10 best gifts on March 8

What to please the woman on March 8? What to give your favorite woman?: Top 10 best gifts on March 8 3140_1
Gift certificate in beauty salon - excellent gift Photo: Depositphotos

So, it came a turn to break the head of men, because in front of March 8. With flowers and cooked dinner, no one will not surprise anyone, they have become the norm and are perceived on this day as proper. What to give a girl on March 8, how to choose an unusual, but at the same time a useful gift?

1. Gift certificate in beauty salon / SPA salon.

Show me the woman who refuses to lie down in a massage chair, turn into a chocolate or to warm up in a cedar barrel. Every representative of a beautiful floor dreams to be beautiful. And if a man gives it such an opportunity, he will not be prices. It is better that the certificate suggested not one visit, and their series. Then the good mood of your companion will be ensured for half a year ago.

2. Tickets to the theater / for a concert / performance.

Bright emotions, unforgettable impressions, drive and sea of ​​positive energy - all this is your second half can get at a similar event. From such a present, the memories will definitely be left if not for life, then for many years. Agree, with a thousand concerns of a modern woman, which should and work, and children to raise, and the house is in order to maintain, and traveled at the same time to maintain yourself in shape, the time for cultural evenings in the parter does not remain at all. Therefore, such a gift is a win-win version.

What to please the woman on March 8? What to give your favorite woman?: Top 10 best gifts on March 8 3140_2
Photo: Depositphotos.

3. Subscription in the fitness club.

Such a gift you decide several tasks at once. First, your beloved will receive what she has long wanted, but she, alas, did not reach it. Secondly, she will "pull out" the shape and improve health. Thirdly, from the grumpy housewife, your love will turn into a positive athlete, because all the negative will leave in the gym.

4. Photo session.

In fact, by this option you give your half another red calendar day. After all, the photo session is a real holiday. Your lady of the heart will choose its best outfit, make a gorgeous hairstyle and makeup and get a lot of attention to his person. And if she prefer the themed photo session, which today, by the way, is very popular, it will be able to feel like a real actress. Professional photos will soon appear on her on the page "VKontakte" and will decorate the walls of your apartment.

What to please the woman on March 8? What to give your favorite woman?: Top 10 best gifts on March 8 3140_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

5. Gadget.

Your lady has no tablet yet? Rather, correct. This thing for a modern man becomes simply indispensable. The tablet will take its owner in traffic jams, long trips, beauty salons, will help pass long winter evenings. In addition, today you can find tablets at very reasonable prices, so this does not hit your budget. You can pamper your favorite woman and the last models of phones, if it follows the fashion. Useful gift will be an e-book.

6. Album with photos.

Such a gift will be for your favorite surprise. In the album you can only place her photos of different years or, for example, your joint. Do not be lazy to supply the album with your comments to the pictures: "And remember how we ...". This gift will be doubly pleasant, because you attach your strength and fantasy to its manufacture.

7. Household appliances.

What hostess will give up a double boiler or a multifunctional form? Such presents will help her to create real wonders in the kitchen, surprise relatives and loved ones. A steam veser or compact vacuum cleaner will turn cleaning from a tedious lesson in a ten-minute walk through the rooms. It is important that the technique will help to save time - it means that more happy minutes will remain on a joint holiday.

What to please the woman on March 8? What to give your favorite woman?: Top 10 best gifts on March 8 3140_4
Photo: Depositphotos.

8. Jewelry.

This gift is difficult to be called unusual, however, from year to year, he continues to occupy an honorable place in the list of the most desirable presents. It is not necessary to give another ring or earrings, you can choose, for example, an unusual brooch, which will give a brilliance with a strict image or evening along. Or present your lady heart a beautiful pendant. It can be a unique form, contain various stones, several types of metal.

9. Portrait of a sweetheart.

Surely you know which photo especially like your second half. Take her and go to the artist-portraitist. The drawing can be issued in different techniques. It can be an oil portrait on canvas or color portrait in a dry brush technique, a black and white portrait or a portrait in brown tones. And the design in the beautiful frame will give the work a finished look.

What to please the woman on March 8? What to give your favorite woman?: Top 10 best gifts on March 8 3140_5
Photo: Depositphotos.

10. Accessories for cars.

If your lady of the heart is an avid motorist, then pamper it with gifts such as navigator, video recorder, air compressor, car vacuum cleaner, universal speaker set.

In conclusion, I will say that not only the gift itself is important, but also how you presented it. Do not be lazy to beautifully decorate the present, buy a postcard and write warm words taken not from a well-known site, but from your own soul. It will be great if you tell your favorite little poem at the same time. Such a simple gesture will be given solemnation and will force your second half to be touched.

Author - Anastasia Chikisheva

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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