Flour growing: 7 series about modern teenagers

Flour growing: 7 series about modern teenagers 3135_1
Flour growing: 7 series about modern teenagers Anastasia Ageev

Mortgage is not easy. School years are often called the best time in the life of every person, but most will agree that they can turn into a real nightmare. Attempts to start friendship, first love and disappointment, the search for yourself and your way is sometimes as exciting as painful and completely confusing. Time Out decided to remember several series about modern teenagers and their ways to gain themselves.

"Poland", 2019-present

High school student Otis lives with a sex therapist. The closure, shyness and the lack of intimate experience interfere with it to communicate normally with girls. However, these gaps, he fills in knowledge, hoped from the eavestened conversations between the mother and its clients. So, Otis and Bunkha Maiv decide to organize a small business, in which young man will take on the role of the therapist and will advise adolescents about problems in intimate life.

Otis Customers have a variety of age, race, sexual experience and orientation. The big plus of the series is that their conversations affect the real issues of many adolescents who have already begun to lead sex life. The lack of a glamorous image of relations and demonstration of sexual communications as an awkward process allows the show to be one of the most honest stories about the growing up, which many have been waiting for, without even suspecting it.

"End of this *** Wow World", 2017-2019

One of the most unusual teenagers, the "end of *** wow" is a gloomy comedy about two outcasts, between which there is a nontrivial relationship.

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17-year-old James, who calls himself a psychopath, loves to kill small animals and dreams of someday killing a person. The boy decides that the Bunkark Alice should be his first victim. When a girl asks James to escape with her, the guy grabby for this opportunity, and they are departed together in an unsystematic journey through England.

In many ways, the series is fascinated due to the characters of the main characters. Between James and Alice, a truly emotional connection is created, and the Charlie Covel's scenario demonstrates that these two are not the only one who is not all right, and the world around itself is absurd, terrible, but still charming.

"Elite", 2018-present

A common trail of many teenage series is the introduction of characters from the lower segments of the population to a rich high school.

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In the "elite" they turn out to be Samuel, whose older brother is sitting in prison, Muslim Nadia and a party of Christian. The guys received a scholarship for training in the prestigious School of Spain, but classmates instantly needed newcomers. Relationships between characters twisted in an even more tight knot after the school occurs in the classroom.

One of the reasons why the series is worthy of attention is that it skillfully works with templates. Each character gets its development, and by the end of the season the events develop at such a speed that the show can easily forgive all its flaws.

"American Vandal", 2017-2018

Jimmy Tatro performs the role of Dianana Maxwell, a student of the California secondary school, which is accused of the image of male genitals on 27 cars of teachers. Despite the fact that the hero does not recognize himself guilty, almost no one doubts that this is his hand. In the end, he is the most scandalous student and leaves the same drawings on school property. Two friends, Peter Maldonado and Sam Ecland, decide to figure out if Maxwell really did it or someone aligned him.

A distinctive feature of the series - it is satire on documentary series, such as "creating a killer." The show is made in similar stylistics and retains absolutely serious tone throughout the season, which contrasts with a frankly absurd history of a guy who drew a bunch of indecent drawings. And the monochrome image and interviews with adults only enhances the comic effect of what is happening on the screen.

"American Vandal" is an excellent mokumentari that is not only fun, but also speaks such serious topics as the perception of the person of his surroundings and the groundless condemnation of those whom you do not have gentle feelings.

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"I have in the area", 2018-present

This drama about the growing story tells the story of four teenagers from Los Angeles. They join the first year of study in high school and face trials that check their friendship for strength.

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The series was released on Netflix in early 2018 and was extremely well accepted. It is not afraid to touch on issues of immigration, racism and gangster activities with which many young people with other skin color have to face daily.

"My crazy diary", 2013-2015

An exciting, touching and completely realistic drama tells about the 16-year-old Ray Earl, which is trying to cope with psychological and physiological problems in the atmosphere of the British 90s.

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We encounter the heroine at the end of her stay in a psychiatric hospital. The girl complex about excess weight and is experiencing due to problems in the family. The viewer watches how she is trying to restore the connection with the best friend, get new acquaintances and learn how to get along with his wayward mother.

The creators do not regret their heroine - throughout the way they are subjected to it difficult, and sometimes humiliating tests. Nevertheless, Ray perfectly copes. Being a pretty, smart and with an excellent sense of humor, able to shut up for the belt of any boy, the girl acquires good friends and, above all, faith in herself.

Euphoria, 2019-present

Ru Bennet just came out of the hospital, where he fell due to drug overdose. Instead of starting a new life, the girl breaks down and takes for the old one - it seems, life in the half-world world she likes much more. All changes the meeting with the Transgender Girl Julce. The life of the heroine is filled with passion, and over time, their relations will develop into romantic.

In many ways, Euphoria is allocated due to its aesthetics. This stylish drama uses all sorts of visual resources to allow the viewer to get into the skin of heroes. Directed by Sam Levinson and his team give narration energetic pace and go to the beat with a hypnotic soundtrack that helps to feel the dizzying speed with which heroes live.

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