Objectives of information security

Objectives of information security 3125_1

Ensuring information security is one of the main tasks of any state organization or a private company. Creating an effective and reliable cybersecurity system is a process that is extremely important against the background of continuous development of information technology and computerization of the economy. The objectives of the information security are formed on the basis of tasks that are put in front of the cybersecurity system of a particular organization.

Informational safety is understood as a set of activities, which provides reliable protection and saving information, technical and software tools that are used to use, storing, transmitting confidential data.

The main purpose of information security is the formation of conditions in which high-quality and highly efficient protection of confidential information from unsliminated or special intervention, potentially able to lead to loss, removal, change, face, and other types of influence on information. In the commercial industry, an important goal of information security is to ensure the continuity of the flow of business processes.

Information security principles

To achieve the goals that are placed in front of information security systems, you need to adhere to several important principles:
  • Availability. Protected information should be available for all persons who have the right and authority. When organizing a network environment, it is required to form conditions that will allow to provide an unimpeded and easy way to access information when it is necessary to authorized.
  • Integrity. Saving information integrity is one of the most important information security purposes. Therefore, almost always in cybersecurity systems, a wide range of users is given the possibility of viewing the protected data, but not their changes, copying, removal, etc.
  • Confidentiality. Confidential data provides access to only those faces that have appropriate authority. Third parties can not receive authorized access to protected information.

Information security control

To achieve the main objectives of the information security, which are supplied by a specific subject, it is necessary to ensure complete control of the created and operated cybersecurity systems. Today it is customary to allocate three main types of controls:

  • Physical. Within the framework of physical control, monitoring of employees, computing equipment, household equipment (conditional and heating systems, fire and smoke alarms, video surveillance, locks, doors, etc.).
  • Logical. When providing logical control, it is assumed to use technical controls that form conditions for protecting access to information systems. The logical control includes a plurality of components: Software for the protection of information systems, passwords, firewalls, etc.
  • Administrative. Under the administrative control of information security is understood as a set of measures, standards, procedures, which are approved and implemented at the enterprise. Their execution allows you to achieve the information security required by the Organization. With their help, certain boundaries are formed, within the framework of the business and management of employees. The category "Administrative control of information security" also assumes the legislative and regulatory acts, which are adopted by the state, regulators.

Threats of information security

One of the important objectives of information security is also the elimination of threats. Threats of information security can be divided into several separate groups:

  • Technogenic. Threats that are formed and are caused due to problems in technical support and protection products. Their prediction is extremely problematic and difficult.
  • Anthropogenic. Threats arising from human errors. This category includes both intentional and unintended mistakes admitted by man. Unintentionally include random errors - for example, disabling antivirus programs for ignorance. Anthropogenic problems can be predicted. It is also possible to quickly eliminate them caused by the consequences. Intended mistakes are informational crimes.
  • Spontaneous. Threats caused by natural sources have a small probability of forecasting, because their prevention is seen impossible (fires, earthquakes, floods, turning off electricity due to natural disasters, etc.).

In this regard, we can say that almost all the operation of cybersecurity systems is reduced to the formation of secure communication channels, server protection, ensuring the safety of external media and employee jobs.

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