In 2021, about 150 families from Priangarya will receive socially freedoms for the purchase or construction of housing


Irkutsk Region, 21.01.21 (IA "Teleinform"), - in 2021, social payments for the purchase or construction of housing on the village will receive about 150 families from Priangarya. At these purposes, the budget provides for 115 million rubles, the Minister of Agriculture of the region Ilya Sumarokov noted at a press conference.

Part of this amount, namely 18 million rubles, managed to attract from the federal budget. The rest is the funds of the regional treasury.

Social payments are provided under the Program "Complex Development of Rural Territories". In 2020, in this area, 91 million rubles were spent in the region, of which more than 65 million are the federations of the federation. In total in 2020, 71 certificates were issued.

In addition, in 2021, work on the construction of housing in rural areas will continue, which will then be provided under a social hiring agreement. In 2020, 20 houses were built at the expense of the Ministry of Agriculture: 14 buildings - in the Osinsky district, 6 more - in Kuytunsky. These goals spent 15 million rubles from the federal and regional budgets.

- In 2019, only 23 thousand rubles were allocated per square meter, so the developers did not want to participate in the program. In 2020, the value of the "square" rose to 46 thousand rubles, we immediately saw the interest, "said Ilya Sumarokov.

This year the total financing of this direction of the program will increase. 27.4 million rubles are provided for the construction of housing for social hiring in the budget. However, innovation appeared.

- From this year, design and estimate documentation for individual housing construction facilities, erected under this program, will have to undergo a state expertise in terms of assessing the estimated cost of construction. Despite the fact that it is not apartment buildings, money is allocated from the state. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the estimates with the help of an examination, the Minister added.

It should be noted that within the framework of this direction the municipality is building housing, and then transmits an employee to social hiring under a very modest fee. For this, the employee undertakes to work on the village at least 5 years. According to the authors of the program, it should contribute to the consolidation of specialists, especially in the social sphere. If the employee works for 10 years, he will receive the right to redeem housing at a cost not exceeding 1% of the estimated cost of the object.

In 2021, not only Ospinsky and Kuytunsky, but also Alar, Usolsky and Ust-Ust-Utynsky districts said about the desire to build housing for social hiring.

In 2021, about 150 families from Priangarya will receive socially freedoms for the purchase or construction of housing 3124_1

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